a pleaser

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Summary: AU // Mitch is an Omega who wants to please everyone, whether it be his family or his Alpha. He just wants to please everyone. Things get rough for him when he and his Alpha don't get along from the start.

A/N: Hi pals. Sorry it's been a little bit since I've updated this lol. btw does anyone have any Christmassy prompts they'd like me to write? I want to try and write at least one or two Christmas one-shots before Christmas is over :)


Mitch has always wanted to please people ever since he was a little boy. He always did everything he could to make sure everyone around him is happy. And, if someone did happen to be upset with Mitch, then he would cry and do everything he could to make them happy.

When he turned sixteen, he found out that he was an Omega. No one was really surprised though based on his personality and strength. He was the perfect Omega that every Alpha wanted.

"Mitchell, your new Alpha is coming soon. Are you prepared?" Nel asks as she walks into her son's room.

"Yes, of course," Mitch looks up from his coloring book. "But, I still don't understand why I can't choose my own Alpha. Why does Papa choose who I be with?"

"Because, he's the Alpha and he knows what's best for you. I assure you that you're going to love Scott. You should just be grateful that we choose a boy," she says.

Mitch frowns. "I'm sorry mama, I am grateful," he mumbles, instantly feeling guilty.

"It's okay, dear. Make sure you clean yourself and wear presentable clothes. Scott is one of the highest Alphas in this town so first impressions are important, but I'm sure he'll love you no matter what,"

Unfortunately for Mitch, his family isn't the richest so it was hard to find something to wear that would please his Alphas. He just went with normal jeans and a plain white t-shirt. He hoped it would be enough, because he didn't want his Alpha to hate him the first time they met.

"You look lovely. Doesn't he look lovely, Alpha?" Nel asks as she looks over at Mike.

Mike looks over at Mitch and sighs. "Are you sure that's the only thing in your closet?" He asks.

Mitch can't help but frown. "Yes, papa. You know I don't have many clothes," he answers.

"Very well. I guess this will do. I've warned Alpha Scott that we aren't the most rich family," Mike says.

"Our money isn't going to keep Alpha Scott from marrying Mitch, is it?" Nel asks. "I would much rather have our son living with a rich Alpha than grow up being poor."

"No, Mitch will be leaving with Alpha Scott today no matter what. That I can assure you," Mike tells her.

"That's good," Nel nods and looks over at Mitch. "Don't be nervous, sweetheart. Just be yourself."

"I'm not nervous, mama. I promise. Just... a little scared. What if he doesn't like me?"

"Nonsense," Mike scoffs. "You are a perfect Omega. He should be lucky to have someone like you."

Mitch blushes at his father's compliment. "Thank you, papa. I hope he likes me," he says.

The doorbell suddenly rings, causing Mitch to jump at the loud noise. It's not very often their doorbell rings. "Is that him? Is it Alpha Scott?" He asks, feeling his heart pounding against his chest from nervousness. Okay, so maybe he is nervous. Who could blame him? He's about to meet one of the most richest Alphas.

"Be on your best behavior, Mitchell," Mike warns before walking over to the door. He waits a moment before finally opening the door, revealing a tall Alpha with blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

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