up in the clouds (pt. 2)

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A/N: apparently you guys wanted a part two to this?


Mitch never went back down to the human world after his first visit, but that didn't stop him from thinking about Scott. He couldn't stop thinking about him, and that was getting in the way of him running his kingdom. Mitch needed to see Scott one more time, and thank him properly for everything he did.

Of course, Mitch had kept up with Scott and what he did in the human world. He had a magical mirror that was able to show him whatever he wanted. Mitch only ever wanted to see Scott.

Mitch watched as Scott continued on with his human life, watching as he sang his heart out for thousands of people. Apparently Scott is a famous singer on a thing called 'youtube'. Scott told him about that.

"Mitch, are you watching him again?" Kirstin asks as she walks into Mitch's office.

Mitch turns and blushes when he sees Kirstin. "I can't help it. I miss him so much," he says.

"Why don't you just go down there and visit him again?" Kirstin asks.

"It's not that easy. I have a kingdom to run," Mitch frowns.

"It wouldn't hurt to leave for a few hours. You have the guards who will watch everyone. And I'll be here and make sure nothing goes terribly wrong. We're practically angels. Nothing will happen,"

"But, what will I say to him?" Mitch asks.

"I don't know. I can't help you with that. But, you obviously miss him, don't you?" Kirstin asks.

"Of course I miss him. I miss him like crazy, I think about him every day, and I get butterflies in my tummy whenever I do think about him. I wish I could see him every single day," Mitch sighs sadly.

Kirstin smiles. "Well, sounds to me like you're in love," she says.

"In love?" Mitch asks, blinking a few times as he let's that sink in. "Wow. I guess I am. I've never... been in love before? This is a strange feeling."

"Too bad he's a human being. I bet you two would be perfect together," Kirstin says.

"Hm. Yes. Do you think I would be able to convince him to come live with me up in the clouds?" Mitch asks.

Kirstin gasps. "But he's a human. He cannot possibly. And, what about his life in the human world? His family would surely miss him. If you bring a human up in our kingdom, it would have to be permanently... It would be a big commitment of him if he came up in our world."

"But I want to be with him for the rest of my life," Mitch argues. "I'm the royal heir. I do what I please."

"I mean, that is true. You are the leader and you can do whatever you please, but maybe you should think about this first before you make a decision," Kirstin says.

"I have thought about this. Many times before. Scott Hoying will be the prince. He will be my prince,"

"Wow. I cannot believe this is actually happening. A human is going to be the prince of our kingdom?"

"Well, that is if I can convince him. I hope he won't freak out on me when I tell him who I really am," Mitch grabs his jacket and gives Kirstin one last look before vanishing.

Mitch knows exactly where to go once he's back in the human world.

Scott owns a little apartment in L.A, and luckily he lives by himself which will make this easier.

Mitch takes a deep breath as he walks up to the door. He hesitates for a few moments before he finally knocks on the door. He's going to have so much to explain but he doesn't care because he gets to Scott again. He hopes Scott won't be upset with him for not coming to see him again.

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