super villain

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Summary: AU // Scott and Mitch are both keeping secrets from each other. Little do they know that these secrets could permanently end everything they've worked so hard for.

Scott (hero) = Starlight (super speed, flying)
Mitch (villain) = x (unknown)

A/N: I've never written anything like this before, apologies if it sucks. I tried my best.


Scott and Mitch have been roommates for four years now. They knew everything about each other, and they even shared each other's secrets and told each other everything.

Well, maybe not everything.

However, lately Scott could tell that things were going South.

Mitch is usually out most of the day and he wouldn't come back until late at night. He hardly answers Scott's texts or calls, and he also would be out while there would be total chaos in the city due to Scott's arch nemesis, whose name is yet to be revealed. Scott would worry about him ten times more.

Mitch sighs shakily as he walks into the apartment he and Scott shares together. He glances over at the oven clock and sees that it's almost 10pm. Scott is usually still up at this point.

Mitch quickly hurries up the stairs and rushes to the bathroom, hoping to get his fresh bruises cleaned up before Scott sees him. He really doesn't want to have to make any excuses for how he got the bruises, although he knows Scott is probably going to be upset either way.

Mitch shuts the door and quickly pulls out his makeup bag. Thank God he's learned to cover up bruises from Kirstie with makeup. She's taught him so many things and he's grateful for it.

Mitch is only a few minutes into cleaning himself up when the door slams open.

Mitch screams loudly and jumps up, instantly dropping the items that he had in his hands and falling to the ground after being scared so badly. He looks up and his eyes widen he sees Scott standing there in the doorway with his arms crossed against his chest. He did not look very happy at all.

"Care to explain where you've been, Mitch?" Scott asks, tapping his foot impatiently.

"I was just out with some friends," Mitch lies quickly.

"If you were out with friends, then why is your makeup bag out?" Scott asks.

"I was taking my makeup off. What else would I be doing with it?" Mitch raises his eyebrows.

"Who knows? Might be putting makeup on to make yourself look pretty for other boys," Scott snaps.

"What?" Mitch scoffs and pushes himself up from the bathroom floor. "That's what you think?"

"What else am I supposed to think when you're constantly gone all the time?" Scott glares at him.

"I'm not a cheater, asshole!" Mitch yells, hitting Scott on the chest harshly. "I'm sorry. I didn't know I wasn't allowed to have a life. Am I supposed to just stay cooped up inside all the time?"

"I didn't say that!" Scott takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. You're allowed to do whatever the fuck you want. I would just like to know where my boyfriend is. Can you blame me? That stupid villain is causing havoc in the city again! I don't want you to get hurt!"

Mitch's eyes widen slightly. "You know about the super villain?" He asks.

"Yes, of course. He's m- he's everywhere on the news now. He killed two people today. Who does that?" Scott scoffs angrily and shakes his head. "Makes me sick to my stomach."

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