it's fine (pt. 2)

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"I should have never slept with you," Jackson mumbles as he sits next to Cameron on the couch, while they're parents are trying to figure out what they're going to do about the baby.

Cameron looks over at Jackson and frowns. "I don't regret it," he says.

"Well, I do. Now my life is ruined," Jackson scoffs. "I never wanted a child, especially this early."

"I'm sorry," Cameron sniffs. "I didn't know that I could get pregnant. I would have been more careful."

"For a long time, I convinced myself that you did this on purpose," Jackson says, looking at Cameron.

Cameron gasps. "You think I would do something like that?" He asks. "I'm not a horrible person, Jacks."

"I know you're not Cam," Jackson sighs in defeat. "You're not a horrible person so I know you wouldn't do something like that. I just convinced myself that you were doing this because you liked me or something and were desperate to be with me. Doesn't that sound silly?"

"I know I'm desperate for a boyfriend and everything, but I'm not that desperate," Cameron says.

"Okay, you two," Mitch begins as he walks up to the two.

Cameron sits up, looking up at his mom. "Wh-What's going to happen?" He asks nervously.

"We've talked everything out," Mitch says. "Cameron, do you want this baby?"

"What?" Cameron asks, his eyes widening with shock.

"Do you want to keep this baby?" Mitch asks. "You're barely three months so you still have time to get an abortion if you really want to. We talked it out and we shouldn't force you to have this baby if you don't want it. It's your body so it should be your choice. You didn't know you could get pregnant so it's not fair."

Cameron gasps and wraps his arms around his stomach protectively. "You're not aborting my baby!"

Jackson looks over at Cameron and then frowns, feeling guilty he suggested Cameron aborting it earlier. He should have known that Cameron would become attached to the baby. Cameron is too sweet to do something like getting an abortion.

"Hey, it's okay," Mitch whispers as he bends down, and gently placing his hand on Cameron's knee, looking over when Scott walks over to them. "We're not forcing you to do anything you don't want to do."

"Really?" Cameron sniffs, looking at his mom. "You p-promise?"

"I promise," Mitch tells him. "Okay, so... you'll keep the baby. There's always putting it up for adoption but we have time to talk about that later. Although, something tells me you won't put the baby up for adoption and that's okay. You know why? Because your dad and I are going to help you."

"You are?" Cameron asks, wiping away a tear that slips out of his eyes.

"Of course sweetheart," Mitch chuckles. "We'll help you with everything. But, you-" He points at Jackson. "You little asshole. You are going to help my son with this. You are not off the hook. Is that understood?"

Jackson's eyes widen and he looks over at his parents.

"You have to face the consequences Jackson," his mom says. "You're not getting out of this one."

Jackson takes a deep breath. "Why do I have to give up my childhood?"

"You should have been more careful," Scott says, trying to remain calm. He's never ever liked Jackson, even though he knows that Cameron has always had a crush on him. Jackson is a troublemaker and is a bad influence. Scott knows he smokes, and probably does other drugs.

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