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Summary: AU // Scott and Mitch are homeless. Scott has vowed to protect Mitch and keep him safe from any danger. Unfortunately, Mitch has fallen sick due to the winter season. Luckily, Scott runs into a nice man and is able to spoil Mitch and help him get better.


Scott frowns as he looks at the shivering boy, sleeping in his arms.

It's in the middle of winter and it's freezing, and snowing. Scott hates the winter, because it makes things harder for Mitch to stay alive. He gets sick easily because he's small and skinny.

Scott met Mitch two years ago. They were both homeless, and decided to stick together. Scott instantly felt attached to the smaller boy and felt the need to protect him from all dangers. The boy had been through a lot from what he had told Scott and so Scott wanted to make his homeless life as safe as possible.

It's been almost a week since either of the two have eaten anything, which is not good considering how cold it's been. Mitch is growing weaker as the days go by, and Scott's terrified that Mitch won't make it.

There is no way Scott is going to let Mitch die like this. He bends down and gently kisses Mitch's forehead and wraps him up in the tiny blanket that they've been sharing, that hardly keeps them warm.

"Be safe Mitchy," Scott whispers before gently placing Mitch in a comfortable spot before crawling out of the little space they've been living under that they found under a building in an alleyway.

Hopefully, nothing bad happens to Mitch while he's away.

Scott makes his way out into the cold, and hopes he'll be able to find some money while he's out.

Scott walked around for two hours and unfortunately nothing happens. There aren't many people out because of the snow which doesn't give him much of an opportunity to try and earn money.

"My, my..."

Scott whips around and his eyes widen when he sees a man walking up to him.

"Please, Sir... I'm not looking for any trouble," Scott tries as he backs up.

"Slow down. I'm not going to hurt you," the man walks up to Scott and wraps his arms around Scott, pulling him closer. "Aren't you a pretty little thing? What's someone as pretty as you doing out here by yourself?"

"I... I live here," Scott says, blinking a few times. "I'm homeless."

"Homeless?" The man asks, letting go of Scott. "You're homeless?"

"Yes," Scott confirms with a nod. "I'm homeless, and I live in an alleyway with my friend."

"Shit. I'm sorry. I had no idea," the man says. "Is there any way I could help?"

"Well..." Scott bites his lip nervously. "I'd hate to ask but my friend, he's really sick and I'm afraid he's going to die. I can't lose him. He's the only thing I have left. He's the reason I'm still alive."

"Here-" The man pulls out his wallet and gives Scott fifty dollars. "For you and your friend. I know it's not much but you should be able to buy him some medicine, or clothes. Whatever you want."

Scott gasps and his eyes widen when he sees the amount of money. "Sir, I can't..."

"I insist. After all, it's the least I could do after hitting on you like that. I apologize," the man says. "Now go, and go buy your friend something nice. I'm sure he'll appreciate it."

"Wow. Thank you so much. What is your name?" Scott asks.

"My name is Thomas. It was pleasure meeting you...?"

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