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Summary: AU // Scott works at an animal shelter where Mitch adopts a hairless cat from.


Mitch could not be more excited about going to the animal shelter to get a new cat. He's wanted a cat since he was a little boy and now that he was finally living on his own, he could buy a cat.

A hairless cat, to be exact. That's all that Mitch wanted and needed to complete his life.

Mitch takes a deep breath before finally walking into the animal shelter. He spent many weeks searching online on animal shelter websites, looking for his cat. Finally, Mitch found an animal shelter that was selling a cat. He quickly took the opportunity to call the animal shelter and talked to them about adoption.


Mitch was quickly shaken out of his thoughts when hears a familiar voice calling for his attention.

"Yes?" Mitch looks over and sees a blond haired boy sitting at the front desk.

"Is there something I can help you with?" The boy asks.

"Actually, yes. I'm here about adopting a sphynx cat," Mitch says as he walks up to the front desk.

"Oh, you must be Mitch? I'm Scott. We spoke on the phone," Scott says with a smile.

"Oh, hello. Nice to meet you in person," Mitch chuckles.

"I told Wyatt all about you and he's very excited about meeting you," Scott says as he stands up.

"Wyatt? That's such a cute name," Mitch smiles.

"Thanks. I named him. I hope that's okay," Scott says.

Mitch nods. "Absolutely. I probably won't be changing his name," he says.

"Cool. Would you like to go meet the little guy?" Scott asks.

Mitch smiles and nods, and then he follows Scott to the back where all the cats were kept. His heart breaks every time they passed an animal sitting in a cage, and he desperately wishes he could take them all home with him, but he knows that it would be impossible to do so.

"How many animals do you have here?" Mitch asks curiously.

"50 dogs, 30 cats," Scott answers, without any hesitation, as he unlocks a door with his keys.

"Shit," Mitch frowns. "Is business slow or something?"

"Kind of. We aren't the most known shelter out there," Scott explains.

"That's annoying. Those poor animals," Mitch sighs.

"We try to make them as comfortable as possible but it's just not the same. Every animal in this shelter deserves a home. That's why I was so excited when you called about adopting," Scott says.

"I'm glad I can at least help one cat," Mitch nods.

Scott opens the door and they walk into the small room where some of the cats were being held.

"Over here, we have little baby Wyatt," Scott says as he walks over to one of the cages. He opens the cage and carefully picks up the kitten. "My personal favorite but don't tell the others I said that."

Mitch chuckles, and then he gasps as soon as he sees the small kitten. "Oh my gosh,"

"Come say hi," Scott smiles as he looks over at Mitch.

"Wow. Can I hold him?" Mitch asks as he walks over to Scott.

"Of course you can hold him," Scott smiles as he places Wyatt into Mitch's arms and then steps back, smiling widely as he watches the cat love on Mitch. "I think he likes you, Mitch!"

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