my omega

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Summary: AU // Scott knows something is wrong the day Mitch doesn't show up to school. He discovers that Mitch has found out that he is an Omega. Scott comforts him.

TW: mentions of abuse, but none actually

A/N: Some of these will be AU! I hope that's okay ^__^


Scott knew the instant Mitch didn't come to school Friday morning, something was wrong. After all, Scott had just spoken to him last night before he went to bed. Was Mitch okay? Was he sick? Scott was worried, to say the least, and he just hoped his best friend would be alright.

"Have you heard from Mitch?" Scott asked when Kirstie sat down next to him at lunch.

"No, but if you're wondering why he didn't come to school... I know the answer," Kirstie answered.

"Please tell me!" Scott begged. "I've been worrying about him all morning." He pouted.

"Mitch found out that he was an Omega this morning," Kirstie sighed. "His parents are handling it, well... differently. His mother is thrilled but, his father... not so much."

"Oh no," Scott frowned. "We always knew he was going to be an Omega, right? I mean... look at him!"

"That's not very nice," Kirstie warned. "I'm almost just like Mitch, but I turned out to be an Alpha."

"You're right, that wasn't very nice," Scott sighed. "What will happen to him?"

"Nothing, I hope. Hopefully his mother will be able to knock some sense into his father," Kirstie said.

Scott nodded. "So, why didn't he come to school?" He asked curiously.

"I'm assuming that he's afraid. You know how people treat Omegas, especially male Omegas,"

"I'm so worried about him," Scott mumbled as he looked down at his hands.

"Hey! On the bright side, you two can finally be together," Kirstie grinned.

"What do you mean?" Scott asked, blinking a few times as he looked back at Kirstie.

"You're an Alpha and he's an Omega. Don't even try to lie to me. You two are completely in love,"

Scott blushed. "Kirst, can we please not talk about this here?" He whispered.

"Are you going to go see Mitch after school?" Kirstie asked as he took a drink of her juice.

"Most likely, if I'm allowed," Scott said. "I can imagine things are hectic at their house right now."

"Mitch probably needs comfort right now, and you're his comfort," Kirstie smiled. "Really, you should think about it. You treat Mitch like a prince and he could use an Alpha like you."

"I wouldn't want him to be handed off to some other Alpha. Alphas are so horrible to Omegas," Scott sighed. "Especially to males. God, I'd do anything to become Mitch's Alpha."

"Mitch is an Omega?"

Scott jumped at the sudden voice, and rolled his eyes when he spotted Avi. "Yes," he answered.

As soon as school finished, Scott said goodbye to Kirstie and his friends and went straight to Mitch's, though he couldn't help but be slightly terrified of what he was about to walk into.

Scott took a deep breath as he walked up to the door and knocked on it a few times. He waited for a moment and then looked up as soon as the door opened, and smiled when he saw Mrs. Grassi.

"Scott... hello. I'm assuming you heard about Mitch?" Mrs. Grassi asked.

Scott nodded. "Yeah. I haven't heard from him all morning and I was just worried about him. I was unsure if I was allowed to see him, but I would imagine he could use some comfort?"

"Things have calmed down right now, but yes... comfort is what he needs right now. Come in," Mrs. Grassi stepped aside and let Scott into the house. She led him into the living room, where Mitch was sitting on the couch by himself. Mitch looked and sat up as soon as he saw Scott. "You have a visitor."

"H-Hi," Mitch spoke quietly as he stood up from the couch.

"Hi," Scott gave him a reassuring smile. "I missed you at school today."

"Mom, can we go up to my room?" Mitch asked hopefully.

"Yes, but you know the rules... keep your door open," she warned.

Mitch rolled his eyes. "Fine," he grumbled before he walked over to Scott and grabbed his wrist. He led the way up to his bedroom. Once to his bedroom, Mitch walked over to his bed and sat down with a sigh.

"So," Scott began as he also walked over to Mitch's bed.

"You heard, huh?" Mitch asked, looking over at Scott.

"I'm sorry Mitch," Scott said as he sat down on the bed. "I know how much you didn't want to be an Omega." He scooted over to him and gave him a comforting hug.

Mitch shrugged. "It is what it is. There's nothing I can do about it," he mumbled.

"I heard about your dad... is everything okay?" Scott asked softly.

"I think so," Mitch sighed. "It's just... hard to come to terms with. He didn't want an Omega but we all knew that I was going to be one. I'm not strong enough to be an Alpha. I'm not a leader."

"He should be proud to no matter what. Be proud of who you are," Scott said.

"It's not that easy, Scotland. There's so much that I have to worry about now," Mitch said.

"I would never let anything happen to you," Scott said as he gently wrapped his arms around Mitch and pulled him in for another hug. "If anyone tries to hurt you, I'll kick their ass."

Mitch laughed as he buried his face in Scott's chest, taking in his comfort. "I wish you could be my Alpha,"

"Why can't I be?" Scott asked, biting his lip slightly.

"You'd want to be my Alpha?" Mitch asked, looking up at Scott. "That's a permanent thing..."

"I know," Scott nodded. "I mean, we're practically already together... please correct me if I'm wrong."

Mitch shook his head. "No, I would love for you to be my Alpha. I would want nothing more,"

Scott smiled. "What would your parents say?" He asked nervously.

"I'm sure they would be absolutely thrilled," Mitch reached up and kissed Scott's cheek. "Thank you."

"What are you thanking me for?" Scott asked, raising his eyebrows.

"For coming over to see me, silly. I'm sorry I never answered any of your texts earlier... my phone was taken away for the day because I said some not so nice words to my dad," Mitch giggled.

Scott rolled his eyes playfully. "I'm sure your dad said some not so nice things about you too,"

"He did but, everything's fine. I'm just... glad that you're here now,"

"Of course. I would never just leave you hanging," Scott smiled and squeezed Mitch gently.

Mitch smiled and rested his head on Scott's chest, feeling much better than he was earlier.

It was silent for a moment before Scott spoke again. "Hey, Mitch?"

"Yeah?" Mitch asked softly as he looked up at Scott.

Scott gently placed his finger under Mitch's chin and lifted his head slightly more, and then he leaned down and gently pressed his lips against Mitch's to kiss him, surprising Mitch.

Mitch closed his eyes as he kissed Scott back, though he unfortunately broke the kiss when the smile on his face grew bigger. He giggled and buried his face in Scott's neck, squeezing him tightly.

Scott smiled and kissed Mitch's forehead. "I love you Mitchie,"

"I love you too," Mitch sighed happily and closed his eyes.

Of course only Scott could make Mitch feel better after a crappy day.

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