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Summary: AU // Scott is a waiter at a restaurant, and one night, he notices a man treating his boyfriend not so very nicely. He decides to step up and do something about it.

Trigger Warnings: mentions of abuse


Scott absolutely hates working as a waiter. He finds it so boring. But, all he needed was a job that helped paid the rent for his shitty apartment, and this is the best job that he could get.

"Scott, can you get that couples order for me?" A co-worker asks, pointing at a couple who was sitting at a table together. Scott looks over and he perks up slightly when he sees the smaller boy of the two. He's very attractive, though by the looks of it, he's taken by the man across from him. "Don't even think about it, Hoying. Your job isn't to flirt with the customers. Get their orders."

Scott sighs. "Fine. Whatever," he mumbles. He grabs a clipboard and starts walking over to the couple, but frowns when he starts hearing the conversation the two are having about the food.

"You are not having that," the older man hisses.

"I can have whatever I want. I'm an adult. You can't keep controlling me, Jackson,"

The man, "Jackson", looks up and glares at the smaller boy. "You wanna rethink that?"

"Um," Scott begins as he walks up to the table, almost a little nervous to interrupt them. "Are you two ready to order?" He looks back and forth between the two. "I can come back later."

"We're ready," Jackson says, setting his menu down.

"Jackson," the boy snaps. "I'm not getting a fucking salad."

"Should we just go home then?" Jackson asks. "Look at you, Mitch. You need to lose weight."

Scott frowns as he looks at the smaller boy, "Mitch". He's not fat all. He's actually more skinny, which is worrying to Scott and makes him wonder if this man is actually starving him.

Mitch sits back in his seat with a huff and crosses his arms against his chest angrily.

"Anyways, Mitch here will be getting a salad-" Jackson begins. "Hm... I think I'll be having..."

Scott writes down the order. "Okay, thank you. Your food should be with you shortly," he says. He glances over at Mitch and frowns at him one last time before turning and walking away.

Jackson looks over at Mitch and glares at him. "This is why I can't take you out to places,"

"I am a human being, Jackson. You can't keep me locked up like a slave!" Mitch hisses.

"You are mine. I thought that was understood? Guess I need to take you home and teach you a lesson," Jackson smirks. "It's been awhile since you've gotten a punishment. You've been such a good boy lately."

Mitch's eyes widen slightly. "W-Wait, Jackson... please," he says.

"No," Jackson holds his hand up, instantly shutting Mitch up. "It's been decided already. You probably shouldn't have back-talked me like the little bitch that you are all the time."

Scott looks over at his co-worker, Kirstie, with a worried look on his face. "I think that boy's being abused, the boy I just got the order from," he tells him after handing the order to him.

Kirstie raises her eyebrows. "You were over there for no less than five minutes. How would you know?"

"You didn't hear the way that man was talking to him. He wouldn't let him order his own food and then proceeded to tell him that he was fat and needed to go on a diet. Honestly, who does that?"

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