the love you deserve (pt. 2)

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Summary: AU // Mitch has officially moved in with Scott in his little apartment, and is in the process of moving on from Cody. However, Mitch eventually learns that Scott is still having sex with strangers for money. Mitch isn't happy about it, and confronts Scott about it.


Mitch had reluctantly gone back home after the night that Scott comforted Mitch. Mitch isn't planning on staying home though. He's just planning on going back to get his things, and that's it. Mitch isn't quite sure about what he's going to do about the marriage. Hopefully, he'll be able to get a divorce from Cody eventually so he can be with Scott.

Mitch hasn't even known Scott for that long, but Scott has shown more care and love than Cody has within' the two years they've been together. Mitch would rather stay with anyone than Cody at this point. Mitch is tired of the abuse and hurt, he's just always been too afraid to do anything about it.

Mitch spent the next two days, slowly packing a bag of all the essential things he would need. Cody spoiled him when they first got together so luckily Mitch does have a few things.

It's early in the morning when Cody leaves for work.

Mitch is standing in the kitchen doorway, watching as he gets his things ready.

"Goodbye, Cody. I hope you have a good day at work," Mitch says.

"Whatever," Cody mumbles as he grabs his phone. He walks to the door and walks out of the house, without even saying goodbye to Mitch. Little does he know, it's the last time he'll see Mitch.

Mitch sighs, and then he quickly runs to the house phone and calls Scott.

"Hello?" Scott asks tiredly when he answers the phone.

"Scott?" Mitch asks. "He's gone. Cody went to work. Will you come get me?"

"Yeah, baby. Just give me a little bit to get ready, and I'll be there soon-" Scott tells him.

"Okay, just hurry. I want to get out of here as soon as possible," Mitch tells him.

"I'll be there soon, take care, and be safe!" Scott says before hanging up the phone.

Mitch runs to his room as soon as he hangs up the phone. He grabs his bag and looks around, making sure that he hasn't forgotten anything. Mitch is about to leave the room but he stops when he sees a picture of him and Cody on their honeymoon. Their wedding day and their honeymoon were one of the few times where they were actually happy together. Back then, Cody wasn't abusive or controlling.

Mitch hates that it came down to this. Cody saved his life. Without Cody, he would have died.

Mitch sniffs as he wipes away a tear. It's unfortunate that Mitch doesn't feel the same way he did before, and he has to do what's best for him. Things are only getting worse and he needs to get out while he can.

Mitch waits by the window, waiting for about a half an hour before Scott finally shows up at the house.

"Whoa," Scott says as Mitch walks out to the car, bag in hand. "This place is fancy..."

"I know, my husband is rich," Mitch replies with a shrug. "Can we get going?"

"Now, wait a minute..." Scott begins, frowning as he looks around at everything. "This place is really nice, and my place is a dump. Well, not really. It's just... not as fancy as this. I live in a one bedroom apartment above a noisy bar where people are getting drunk every single night and having sex with each other. Mitch, are you really sure you want to leave this to be with me?"

Mitch walks up to Scott and kisses his cheek. "You're sweet, but... yes, I'm positive. I'd rather live in a place like that than have to deal with my abusive husband. Besides, who cares about that? I know that you'll be taking care of me," Mitch smiles. "As long as you're with me, I'll be fine."

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