"i hate alphas!"

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Summary: AU // Scott is at another new school. Here, he learns that Omegas are allowed to do whatever they want and don't have to listen to Alphas. Scott is raised to believe that Omegas should listen to Alphas. All it takes is one Omega to change his mind about how things work.


"Thanks, dad. I'll see you after school!" Scott smiles and waves as his dad drives away. He turns around and sighs sadly when he sees his new school. Though, he should be used to moving to new schools because thanks to his dad's job, his family is always moving around. This time, his dad claims that they won't be moving any time soon. Scott wants to believe him, but he's not getting his hopes up.

Scott looks around once more nervously before finally making his way into the school building, and then he heads straight to the office to get his class schedule. He walks up to the front desk.

"Hello. How may I help you?" The lady asks as she looks up at Scott.

"Um," Scott bites his lip. "I'm... I need to pick up my class schedule. I'm the new student."

"Ah, yes. You must be Scott Hoying. Correct?" She asks, pulling out a piece of paper from her desk.

"Yes, ma'am," Scott nods, and takes the piece of paper from her once she hands it to him.

"Wow. You're supposed to be an Alpha?" She asks, raising her eyebrows. "Most Alphas around here aren't as polite as you are. It's refreshing to see. Anyways, if you have any questions then you can ask me or someone in the guidance council will be happy to help you."

"Thank you," Scott blushes. He walks out of the office and looks down at his schedule, and sighs.

First class is art class. He's not that excited about art, but he could have gotten something worse so... he's not going to spend too much of his time complaining. Maybe he'll learn to like art.

Scott starts walking but stops when he bumps into two Omegas.

"Watch where you're going!" The boy snaps as he looks up at Scott.

Scott blinks a few times. "Excuse me?" He asks, quite shocked that an Omega just spoke to him that way. "You shouldn't be talking to me that way. I'm an Alpha. Learn your manners."

The boy laughs loudly and looks over at his friend. "Can you believe this guy?"

"You must be new here. Omegas at this school don't have to listen to Alphas. Nice try though," she says.

"What?" Scott asks. "But, that's not how things work. Omegas are supposed to listen to Alphas."

"Whatever," the boy scoffs. "Come on, Kirstie. Let's get to class. I don't have time for Alphas like him."

Scott stood there, his eyes wide and mouth open, as he watches the two Omegas walk away from him. He's never been spoken to like that before by an Omega. Honestly, he didn't like it one bit. He's not really a traditional Alpha like his father but he has been raised and taught that Alphas are superior than Omegas.

So, to hear that Omegas are free to do as they please in this school... is mind blowing to Scott.

"Dad, they let Omegas do whatever they want at this school!" Scott complains at dinner. He had gotten home from school, and he needed to tell his dad about what happened earlier. "They don't listen to Alphas."

"And, what do you mean by that?" Rick asks as he looks over at his son.

"I ran into these two Omegas earlier this morning. There was this boy and he had no manners. He didn't listen to anything I said, and then the girl said that Omegas don't have to listen to Alphas," Scott says.

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