love at first sight

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Summary: AU // Laws have changed. Omegas are no longer allowed to be independent and must live with an Alpha. Mitch gets taken out of his home and placed with Alpha Scott.


Mitch sighs as he stand in front of the window, in the kitchen. He's been doing the wishes for what feels like forever but he lost track of time because he keeps getting distracted.

It gets lonely sometimes. He's an independent Omega but he likes it that way. It means that he doesn't have to rely on some abusive Alpha to take care of him. "Take care of him". He only had one Alpha before in his life and unfortunately it ended with the neighbors having to call the cops because Mitch had been screaming from the Alpha punishing him for no good reason.

Mitch blinks a few times when he's shaken out of his thoughts when he hears knocking at the front door, which is a little odd because it's rare when he gets visitors. Nobody's come to visit him in years. His family had been disappointed when he decided not to have an Alpha and start a family. They cut him off.

Mitch quickly washes his hands and then he walks out of the kitchen and goes to the front door. He hesitates before slowly opening the door. He looks up and frowns when he sees two police officers standing there. He hasn't left the house in days. He couldn't have done something wrong?

"H-Hello. Is everything okay, officers?" Mitch asks nervously.

"I'm Officer Derrick and this is my partner Officer Garrett. We're sorry for disturbing your day but we've been ordered to go around the neighborhood, are you an Omega, Sir?" One of the officers ask.

"Yes, Sir. I am an Omega," Mitch answers honestly. "What is going on?"

"We'll explain to you in a moment. Do you have an Alpha?" Officer Derrick asks.

Mitch almost hesitates to answer the question. "No, Sir. I don't have an Alpha. I'm independent,"

"Well, it's unfortunate for you because the laws have changed. Omegas are no longer allowed to be independent and they must have an Alpha. We'll need you to collect your things,"

"What?" Mitch asks, his eyes widening. "No... I-I'm not leaving my home. I worked hard for this!"

"Omega, if you don't listen to us... we'll have to take you The Leader," Officer Garrett warns.

Mitch whimpers at the mention of 'The Leader', the strongest and most powerful Alpha who runs the city that Mitch lives in. If he gets taken to The Leader, he'll be punished. "Wh-Where will you be taking me?" He asks, gripping the door. He doesn't want to leave the home he's worked so hard for.

"We have Alphas ready for Omegas to be taken to. You'll be paired with... Scott Hoying,"

"Scott Hoying?" Mitch asks, the name instantly sounding familiar to him. "He's... really rich? He's one of the richest Alphas in the neighborhood. He's going to be my Alpha?"

"Doesn't sound so bad anymore, does it?" Officer Derrick asks, smirking a little.

Mitch shakes his head. "I don't want to leave! I don't want an Alpha!"

"Well, it's either this... or be taken to The Leader. You get to decide,"


Mitch ended up going with the lesser of the two evils.

Mitch went five years of not having an Alpha, and now all of his hard work went down the drain.

"We're here," Officer Derrick announces once they pull up to a very large house.

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