awkward encounters

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Summary: It rains while Scott's jogging, he gets stuck at a coffee shop, and while he's waiting for Mitch to pick him up, he has an awkward fan experience.


Scott knew it was a bad idea the moment he steps outside, but it's been awhile since he's jogged, and he wants to start jogging again while he still has the time, while Pentatonix is off tour for a couple of weeks.

But now, it's started raining and he doesn't have a car and he's pretty far from home, and Scott's mentally kicking himself for not checking the weather before he left, but he lives in California... and it hardly ever rains. So of course, it rains the one time he decides to start jogging.

Scott quickly walks into the first shop he sees, which luckily for him, is a coffee shop.

Scott takes off his hood and walks up to the counter.

"Hi, what can I get for you today?"

"Hello. Um, could I get one hot chocolate please?" Scott asks as he pulls out his wallet. He pays for his hot chocolate and thanks the girl at the counter before walking over a table by the window. He pulls out his phone and decides to call his boyfriend, who's surely going to kill him for waking him up so early.


Scott can't help but chuckle at how grumpy Mitch sounds.

"Hello to you too sleepyhead," Scott says.

"Do you have any idea how early it is?" Mitch whines.

"It's not that early. It's 10 o'clock-" Scott rolls his eyes. "Can you come pick me up?"

"Oh, God. Where are you?" Mitch asks. "Did you get drugged and taken to a strip club or something?"

"Mitch!" Scott laughs. "No. It's raining and I was jogging. I'm at a coffee shop."

"It's raining? Really? In California?" Mitch asks. "Damn."

"Yes, and I don't want to wait for the rain to stop. Will you come get me? I'll buy you a coffee," Scott says.

"Alright, fine. I'll come get you," Mitch says. "Good thing I love you."

"Yeah, okay," Scott rolls his eyes though a smile forms on his face. "See you later?"

"Yeah, just let me actually get up and get ready first. I didn't know I'd be leaving the house this early," Mitch groans."I didn't even have time to prepare for this."

"Hey, don't blame me, blame California!" Scott laughs.

"Okay, okay, okay. Let me go get ready. I'll pick you up in a bit. Love you," Mitch says.

"Love you too. Don't take too long," Scott says before hanging up on Mitch.


"Oh, God," Scott jumps as soon as he hears the voice. He looks over and sees the girl from the counter. "Oh, hello. Can I help you?" He asks, though he assumes that she's a fan.

"I'm so sorry for scaring you like that, and I'm supposed to be professional but... I'm just a huge fan of Pentatonix and I watch superfruit every Tuesday!" She says excitedly.

"Oh, thank you. That means so much. Would you like a picture?" Scott asks, standing up.

"Yes, please!" She quickly takes out her phone, and takes a couple of pictures with Scott. "Thank you! My best friend is going to be so jealous when she hears I met you. She's a big fan too."

Scott chuckles. "Well, it was nice to meet you," he says, sitting back down.

"Were you talking to Mitch on the phone?" She asks curiously.

Scott blinks a few times. "Um, yes? I was. Why are you asking?" He asks.

"I didn't mean to listen- but, I heard you say I love you too him and I thought it was so cute. I was just wondering if you two were dating, because you guys are so cute together-"

"Don't best friends say 'I love you' to each other, all the time?" Scott asks, slightly annoyed. Even though he was dating Mitch and he's not ashamed, they weren't necessarily out to the fans yet and he knows Mitch wouldn't be happy if Scott said something about their relationship without talking to him first. Plus, Scott knows that this fan would go on twitter and say something if he did say anything.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed-"

"That's okay," Scott says. "You should get back to work. I wouldn't want to get you in trouble."

"Right. I almost forgot!" She laughs. "Thank you for taking pictures with me!"

"You're welcome," Scott sighs in relief once she finally walks away.

Scott quickly pulls out his phone again and quickly sends a text to Mitch.

From Scott:

To Mitch:

hurry the fuck up

From Mitch:

To Scott:

lol what's up with u?

From Mitch:

To Scott:

just had the most awkward experience ever with a fan at the coffee shop :(

From Mitch:

To Scott:

srry bby be there soon

Scott sighs as he stares at the text, and he desperately hopes Mitch will actually be here soon.


"Fucking finally," Scott mumbles under his breath when he gets the text from Mitch saying that he was at the coffee shop. He stands up and hesitates before walking up to the counter again. "Hi. Can I get a coffee to go, please?" He asks, biting his lip slightly when he sees that it's the same girl from earlier.

"Sure," the girl says, smiling when she looks up at Scott. "Iced Soy Latte?"

"Um, y-yeah," Scott mumbles. "You really are a fan, aren't you?"

"Of course! I'd like to consider myself a Pentaholic," she grins as she starts getting the coffee.

Scott waits and then pays for the coffee. "Thank you," he says before quickly exiting the shop. He walks up to Mitch's car and gets in. "Took you long enough. Could have walked home."

"Sorry. Had to get ready," Mitch shrugs. He reaches over and kisses Scott once. "Coffee?"

"Yes, queen," Scott chuckles as he hands Mitch his coffee.

"So, what happened?" Mitch asks before taking a drink of the coffee.

"The girl who worked there was a fan, and tried to ask about our relationship," Scott explains.

"That's annoying," Mitch rolls his eyes. "What did you say?"

"Nothing. Don't worry. I didn't say anything about us," Scott says. "Then, she stared at me like a hawk the whole time I waited, and I'm pretty sure she snuck a few pictures of me."

"Well, on the bright side... at least it stopped raining," Mitch says.

"My clothes are soaked though," Scott pouts.

"Don't worry, you still look cute," Mitch says, grinning, before running his hand through Scott's hair.

Scott chuckles. "Thanks babe," he says. "Can we go home now?"

"Yes," Mitch smiles and starts driving them home.

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