time & patience

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Summary: Scott was in a car accident, causing him to lose his ability to walk and forced to be put in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Scott wants to give up, and things get hard. Mitch isn't about to let Scott give up though. He has to try to convince Scott that being in a wheelchair won't be so bad.


"How has he been doing?" Kirstie asks, looking over at Mitch.

Mitch sighs. "I'll be honest... he's not doing very good," he mumbles. "He doesn't want to do anything, and... I get it. I would be the same way if I suddenly lost the ability to walk."

"I'd hate to ask, but... what do you think the future is going to be for Pentatonix?" Kirstie asks.

"I mean, it's honestly up to Scott. I think it'll be awhile before we can do anything with Pentatonix, which is totally fine because I don't wanna pressure Scott or rush him into anything he's not comfortable with," Mitch says, before looking up at Kirstie. "It doesn't have to be the end of Pentatonix. We'll still be able to post covers on our YouTube channel. But, live shows are definitely going to be more difficult."

"Yeah, definitely. Scott doesn't even want to leave the apartment. It's been five months," Kirstie says.

"I'm working on it. But, like I said... I'm not going to pressure him. I want him to take as much time as he needs before he's ready to be active again. He needs time to get used to being in a wheelchair,"

"You're right. I just feel so bad for him," Kirstie frowns. "He used to be so active. He loved walking and running around, and dancing. He went from having the energy of a child to... having no energy at all."

"I know. I hate seeing him so depressed all the time, y'know?" Mitch frowns.

"It'll just take time and patience. You can't give up on him," Kirstie says. "We all can't."

"I wouldn't dream of giving up on him. We've been through thick and thin ever since we were ten years old. We've dated each other, and we've hated each other-"

"And now you're dating again," Kirstie adds, giggling.

Mitch rolls his eyes. "Bitch, whatever-" He laughs. "Anyways, as I was saying... I'm not giving up on Scott. It's just going to take awhile to show him that he doesn't have to give up. He's limited being in a wheelchair, but that doesn't mean that he has to give up. I'm going to show him that being in a wheelchair isn't all that bad. It just... might take a little bit of convincing." He sighs.

After lunch with Kirstie, Mitch heads back home to Scott.

"Baby? I'm home!" Mitch shouts as he walks through the door, though he's not surprised when he doesn't get a response from Scott. Scott isn't as talkative as he used to be ever since he lost the ability to walk.

It's been quite hard on everybody, but more importantly, it's been hard on Scott. It's only been five months since he got into that car accident, all thanks to a drunk driver (thank goodness the drunk driver got thrown in jail for what he did). It was huge. All over the news. Everybody knew about Scott's accident. Scott had been trending on twitter and YouTube for days, but mostly because of fans support.

Mitch has been trying to get Scott out of the house, so he can get used to his wheelchair better, but Scott refuses to leave the house. Mitch thinks it's because he doesn't want to be mad fun. That breaks Mitch's heart. Scott shouldn't be mad fun of for something that he can't control.

Mitch sighs as he walks up the stairs, and heads to Scott's bedroom. He knocks on the door and then pushes the door opens. He looks up and is surprised when he sees Scott sitting at his computer desk, where usually is on his bed. But, he's on his laptop, scrolling through twitter.

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