dreams do come true

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not exactly what I wanted for the 100th one-shot but???

can you believe there are ONE HUNDRED of these? holy moly

and not to mention we're about to hit 100k reads on this??? I'm just :O whoa

I'm just curious, which one-shot of mine is your favorite? :) >>>>


"Did you see the picture Scott posted on instagram yesterday?" Mitch asks as he sits down next to Kirstie in English class. School is just starting and it's Monday.

Mitch hates Monday's and he hates school.

His best friend Kirstie is the only reason why he survives school. Mitch is gay and is known as the nerd of Martin High School. No one likes to be associated with him but Mitch doesn't mind. He likes being alone, though sometimes he does wish that he would be able to enjoy school more like a normal kid.

"Yes. He's so sexy," Kirstie says. "And not to mention, it was a shirtless photo. He never posts those!"

"I know. Everybody was freaking out on twitter, but who can blame them?" Mitch giggles.

"Are you two still hung over that dumb pop star?"

Kirstie rolls her eyes but smiles, knowing that it was her boyfriend Jeremy who had spoken. "Shut up Jeremy. Scott Hoying is hot and you're just jealous," she sticks her tongue out at him.

Mitch immediately quiets down as he sits in his seat. He knows that Kirstie's attention is no longer on him, now that Jeremy is around. The two are like two peas in a pod. They're always together.

"Have you heard the rumors?" Jeremy asks before kissing Kirstie. "We're getting a new student today."

"Whoa. It's been so long since we've had a new student. I'm pretty sure Mitch was the last one,"

"Well... I guess we'll find out who it is soon. I think they're in this class too,"

Mitch sighs and pulls out his drawing book and starts doodling in his book while Kirstie talks to Jeremy.

Class finally starts and about ten minutes later, the door opens and a tall blonde boy walks with a bodyguard behind him. The class goes quiet and there a few girls gasps in shock, and the girls start whispering and giggling to each other. Mitch personally hates when people at school do that.

"Mr. Hoying, just because you're famous doesn't mean you're allowed to be late," Mrs. White says.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I was sorting out some things in the principal's office. See, I even have a note," he says as he walks over to the teacher and then he hands her the note. "I need to have my bodyguard with me until things settle down. You know, being famous and all isn't easy."

Mitch drops his pencil in shock and doesn't take his eyes off of Scott. He can't believe that Scott Hoying is going to his high school. Mitch has been obsessed with his music for so long. Scott is his idol, and crush.

Mrs. White sighs as she reads over the note. "Alright then, fine. Take a seat next to Mr. Grassi over there, the boy with the glasses on in the back row," she says as she points at Mitch.

Mitch rolls his eyes when the teacher addresses him as 'Mr.'. "It's Mx, not Mr.," he mumbles.

"Nerd!" Someone coughs, earning a few laughs from the other students.

Scott raises his eyebrows but he doesn't say anything as he doesn't want the spotlight anymore than it has to be, and then he walks over and sits down in the seat next to Mitch, his bodyguard following him.

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