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Summary: AU // Scott is the boss of a very popular phone company. Mitch is his assistant, but they're also in a secret relationship. Things change when a certain photo leaks.


Mitch sighs as he carries Starbucks coffee to Mr. Hoying's office. He knocks on the door and waits a moment before pushing the door open and walking into the office.

Mitch looks up and smiles when he sees the blonde sitting in his chair, talking on the phone.

The blonde looks over and mouths a 'thank you' to Mitch.

Mitch walks over and places the coffee on the desk. He goes to turn around but he stops and looks back at Mr. Hoying. He smirks and then he walks behind him. He moves his hands down Mr. Hoying's chest and gently kisses his neck a few times before gently sucking on it.

Mr. Hoying leans his head back and closes his eyes.

Mitch slowly unbuttons the first two buttons of Scott's shirt. "Daddy," he whispers in Scott's ear.

"Fu- I'm so sorry. I-I'm gonna have to call you back. Yes, of course. Bye," Scott hangs up and then he reaches over and grabs Mitch, pulling him down on his lap. "What the fuck was that?"

"I just missed you is all," Mitch says innocently as he straddles Scott.

"You saw me this morning," Scott chuckles as he looks up at Mitch.

"And now it's almost lunchtime. I never get to see you during the day," Mitch whines.

"Because I'm busy. This is what happens when you own one of the most popular phone companies," Scott says as he gently rests his hands on Mitch's waist. "How about I treat you tonight?"

"I'm listening," Mitch says as a smile forms on his face.

"I have the chef make us a wonderful dinner, then we can go into the hot tub for a little while, I know it's been awhile since after that... we head into the bedroom. I'll treat you like the princess you are,"

Mitch giggles. "You treat me so well Daddy. You always know exactly what I want,"

"You are my baby boy, aren't you? And my baby boy deserves nothing but the best," Scott says.

"Thank you Daddy," Mitch says before reaching forward and kissing Scott.

"You wanna know how you can thank me?" Scott whispers. "Get down on your knees."

Mitch gasps excitedly and immediately gets down onto the floor and on his knees.

"Such a good boy, always listening and doing what he's told," Scott says as he sits up.

"I just want to make you happy," Mitch says as he looks up at Scott.

"You being with me makes me happy," Scott whispers, smiling at the younger boy.


"Shit, someone's knocking at the door. You have to go and act like we didn't do what we just did,"

"What? You mean sucking your-"

"Mitchell!" Scott warns as he stands up from the chair. "Don't you dare finish that sentence."

Mitch giggles and then he quickly fixes his hair before walking over to the door and opening it. He looks up and smiles when he sees Kevin, someone who works for Scott and a close friend of his. "Hi Kevo,"

"Hey Mitch," Kevin greets with a smile. "You just leaving?"

"Mhm. I was just dropping Da- Mr. Hoying's coffee. I gotta go, bye!" Mitch says, before quickly walking out of the office before he says something that he shouldn't say, leaving Kevin rather confused.

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