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Summary: Someone tries to get close to Scott while he and Mitch are at a club. However, when Mitch finds out, he's not happy and immediately steps in to help his boyfriend.

A/N: This was inspired by Scott and Mitch talking about how protective they are of each other in their Superfruit Q&A thing they did the other day.


Scott and Mitch had been at the club for about an hour now; drinking, dancing and hanging out with friends.

They hadn't really spent much time together throughout the night surprisingly but they definitely knew where the other was. They were both fairly protective of each other, Scott especially protective of Mitch.

"Mitch, have you been keeping an eye on Scott?" Jake asks as he walks up to Mitch.

"Not for awhile, why?" Mitch asks as he takes another drink of his beer.

"There's some guy who keeps trying to dance with him. He looks uncomfortable," Jake says.

"What the fuck?" Mitch asks as he sets his drink down. "Where is this bitch?"

"Scott was on the dancefloor but I don't know where he went now,"

Mitch looks around the club for a moment, trying to find Scott. He doesn't see him so he makes his way towards the bathrooms, hoping he would find Scott there. Scott wouldn't leave without telling him.

"Please stop following me. I'm just trying to have fun with my friends," Mitch instantly recognizes Scott's voice and he feels relieved when he finally finds him, but gets angry when he sees another guy with him.

"Why have fun with them when you can have fun with me?"

Mitch almost wants to throw up at how disgusting this guy is.

"I have a boyfriend," Scott says quickly, pushing the guy away from him.

"He's not here right now, is he though?" The man smirks as he tries to pull Scott closer to him.

Mitch scoffs. "Yeah fucking right. Get your hands off him!" He yells angrily as he storms over to the guy. "Who do you think you are? Stay away from my boyfriend, you disgusting pig!"

Scott's eyes widen as soon as he sees Mitch. "Mitchie, I swear I didn't do anything!"

"I know babe, don't worry. Jake told me and I saw the whole thing," Mitch says before glaring at the man again. "He told you to leave him alone and you should have listened to him."

"And what are you going to do about it, little one?" The man smirks, grabbing Mitch's arm harshly.

"Hey!" Scott yells angrily, trying to pull Mitch back. "Don't you dare touch him!"

"Let go of me!" Mitch yells as he pulls his arm back before reaching up and punching the man, punching him so hard that he falls to the ground. Mitch gasps and backs up, bumping into Scott.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" Scott asks as he pulls Mitch into a hug. "I'm so sorry."

"I'm fine, Don't worry about me..." Mitch says as he hugs Scott back. "Are you okay? You're the one who was getting hit on by that piece of shit. He didn't touch you or anything, did he?"

"I mean, like... he tried. But I didn't let him," Scott sighs. "I'm sorry you had to do that. I should have stuck up for myself but I just didn't want to start a fight or anything."

"Because you're too sweet for that. Meanwhile, I'll fucking kill anyone who tries to hurt you," Mitch says before reaching up and gently kissing Scott. "Do you wanna get out of here?"

"Hell no. We came here to have a good time with friends and we can't let some douche ruin that," Scott says. "Unless you want to go home because I really don't mind either way."

"No, I want to stay a little longer. I haven't gotten to dance with my boy yet" Mitch says. He grabs Scott's hand and pulls him back to where Jake was, keeping his hand tightly attached to Scott's.

"There you are. What took you so long?" Jake asks the second he sees Scott and Mitch.

"I had to get a shithead away from Scott," Mitch says, wrapping his arm around Scott's waist.

"Mitch punched someone!" Scott exclaims as he looks at Jake.

"No way! Please tell me you filmed it!"

"I didn't. I was too busy being in shock. It was amazing, and somehow hot. But also a little scary. You know you're scary when you're being protective," Scott says as he looks down at Mitch.

"Good," Mitch smirks. "That'll teach anyone to mess with you when I'm around."

Scott chuckles. "Should we go dance now?"

"Wait, can we get a drink first? I lost mine somewhere," Mitch says as he looks around.

Scott laughs. "Okay, whatever you want sweetheart,"

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