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Summary: The 3 times Scott and Mitch hid their relationship from everyone around them, and the one time they finally didn't care.



Being in a secret relationship is not easy when you're on tour and surrounded by thousands of people everyday. It's definitely not easy when you have to act like you don't love the other when all you want to do is kiss them, hold their hands, and be close to them.

Scott hates hiding his love for his boyfriend, Mitch.

All he wants to do is be able to scream it from the rooftop that he loves Mitch Grassi.

But he can't. There are millions of things that could go wrong if they ever came out as a couple, and so they agreed that they would hide their relationship for as long as they can.

"Scott, if you try to tickle me one more fucking time... I'll slice your hands off," Mitch warns as he pushes his boyfriend away. "You know I hate it so why do you keep doing it?"

Scott laughs. "Because it's funny," he says as he wraps his arms around Mitch.

Mitch gasps and tries to get out of his grip. "Scott," he warns quietly. He glances around the room at the rest of the band members and everyone else. Luckily they don't seem to be paying attention. They're pretty much used to Scott and Mitch acting like this, but it still worries him that they'll be suspicious.

"No one's paying attention," Scott whispers in Mitch's ear.

Scott," Mitch warns once again before slipping out of Scott's arms.

"Princess, come back," Scott whines as he makes grabby hands towards Mitch.

"Did you just call Mitch a Princess?" Kevin asks curiously as he looks up from her phone.

"Um," Scott hesitates as he quickly tries to come up with an excuse. "Y-Yeah... so what? It's just a nickname. We always call him a queen so what's the difference?"

Mitch nervously looks back and forth between Scott and Kevin, hoping he won't ask anymore questions.

"Well, okay... I'm not going to judge," Kevin shrugs.

Mitch immediately looks over at Scott and glares at him.

"What?" Scott asks, smiling innocently.

Mitch rolls his eyes. "You're so annoying," he mumbles.

"You still love me, and you know it," Scott says as he plops down on the couch.

Mitch glances over at Scott and can't help but smile, because he knows that Scott's right..


"Is anyone else on the tour bus?" Mitch asks as he crawls into Scott's bed.

"No, they're all out exploring unlike us because we're anti-social," Scott says, looking up from his phone.

"Perfect," Mitch says as he crawls on top of Scott.

Scott gasps. "Mitch, what are you doing?" He asks as his eyes widen.

"I've missed you," Mitch mumbles before kissing Scott passionately. He straddles him as he kisses him.

"Mitch, baby..." Scott moans and gently pushes him away.

"Scott," Mitch whines. "Please. We hardly have any time to ourselves. Literally no one is on the tour bus but us and I know we said we wouldn't have sex on the tour bus but I fucking need you."

"Anyone could walk in at any second," Scott frowns.

"Nobody is going to catch us. Please, can't we just do a quickie or something?" Mitch begs.

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