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Summary: AU // Soulmates AU where you can feel what you're soulmates feeling and you get marks on your body whenever your soulmate has marks on theirs. Scott's ten years old when he notices the first bruise on his body. He quickly learns that his soulmate is being abused.

Trigger Warnings: abuse and mentions of depression, self-harm and suicide


Scott had been ten years old when he noticed the first bruise on his arm. He didn't think anything of it until another one showed up a few days later. He started panicking and he knew he should tell someone.

"Momma!" Scott cries as he runs into his parents bedroom.

Connie looks over and frowns at her panicked son. "Yes, sweetheart?"

"Momma, look!" Scott runs over to her and shows her his arm.

Connie takes his arm to get a closer look at the bruises. "Sweetheart, where did these come from?"

"I don't know, momma," Scott sniffs. "I didn't do anything bad. I promise."

"That I can believe, you sweet boy," Connie smiles and ruffles Scott's hair slightly.

"What's all the commotion about?" Rick asks as he walks into the bedroom.

"Scott has bruises on his arms," Connie says, showing Rick. "Should we be worried?"

"No, I don't think so, Connie. He probably just slept in a weird position or something. That happened to me all the time when I was younger," Rick says after looking at the bruises.

"Maybe. What if it has to do with his soulmate?" Connie asks.

"What's a so-so-soulmight?" Scott asks, causing both Connie and Rick to laugh loudly.

"Soulmate sweetheart," Connie corrects. "It's someone that you'll spend forever with."

"Oh," Scott says. "How do I know who my soulmate is?" Scott asks.

"You'll know when you're sixteen years old. Her name will show up on your arm," Connie says with a smile. "It's just up to you to find where she is, or fate will help you meet."

"How did you and dadda meet?" Scott asks, suddenly interested in these 'soulmates'.

"We went to school together," Connie smiles. "I'm sure you'll find your soulmate one day."

"Does it have to be a girl?" Scott asks curiously.

"I mean..." Connie hesitates before looking up at Rick.

"Only time will tell," Rick answers quickly. "We'll just have to wait and see."

"Does Lindsey and Lauren have soulmates too?" Scott asks.

"You sure ask a lot of questions," Connie laughs and shakes her head. "And yes, they do."


After that night, Scott quickly learned that he's a very clumsy boy. So whenever a new bruise showed up, he figured it's because of his clumsiness despite the fact that sometimes he would have multiple bruises on his arms and legs. He had bruises pretty much everywhere on his body all the time.

It wasn't until he turned fifteen years old when Scott knew something isn't right.

"What the fuck?" Scott yells from the bathroom. He looks into the mirror and notices a handprint on his cheek. That hadn't been there 20 minutes ago. Scott knows he's clumsy but he isn't that clumsy. It was a handprint and now he's starting to get scared about what really is going on.

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