the coffee shop

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Summary: AU // Scott Hoying is a famous pop star and Mitch Grassi is just an average boy trying to get through life while running his coffee shop in L.A. Scott and Mitch meet in a way that Mitch wouldn't have thought they would meet, but he's not complaining because it's Scott Hoying.


Mitch rolls his eyes as a couple of teenage girls walk into the coffee shop and stand by the window excitedly. This has been happening all day. All thanks to Scott Hoying.

"Girls, you cannot be in here unless you buy something!" Mitch shouts at the girls.

One of the girls looks over at Mitch. "Seriously? Scott Hoying-"

"Does it look like I care?" Mitch asks. "I've been dealing with this shit all day. I'm just trying to run my shop so please make this easier for me and leave. And, leave that poor boy alone for fuck sakes. I'm sure he doesn't appreciate being stalked and followed by teenage girls. You can go to jail for that, you know?"

She rolls her eyes. "Whatever. You just don't understand. Let's go girls,"

Mitch sighs in relief once the four girls leave. "Thank fuck," he mumbles.

"This has been happening all day?" One of the customers ask.

"Yes," Mitch nods. "All because Scott Hoying is in the L.A area. People want to get a glimpse of him."

"I don't get it. You'd have to be crazy to stalk someone like that," he scoffs.

"I mean, yeah, I get wanting to meet him and everything but surely there must be a better way," Mitch shakes his head. He looks up when the door slams open. His eyes widen when he sees Scott Hoying.

Scott looks up and quickly runs up to the counter. "May I please hide here?" He begs. He's breathing heavily and sweating, and Mitch assumes it's because of the teenage girls that have been chasing him all day. "Please. I've been getting chased all day. I just need to hide and call my bodyguards."

Mitch sighs in defeat. Normally he doesn't allow this type of stuff at his shop but he feels bad for Scott. "Okay. Hide under here. Nobody can get back here unless they're an employee,"

"Thank you!" Scott runs behind the counter and hides under the counter. He takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. He quickly pulls out his cell phone to call his bodyguards. He jumps slightly when he hears the ding sound coming from the door. "Please, please, please-"

"I saw him come in here!"

"Ladies, you need to leave," Mitch orders. "Buy something or get out.

"You're hiding him aren't you? I know I saw him come in here!"

"I don't care. This is not a place for teenage girls to stalk celebrities. Get out, or I'll call the police!"

"Wait, I'm going to buy a drink. I'm so thirsty-"

"Yes, because I'm sure stalking celebrities is such a tiring job," Mitch says sarcastically.

Scott looks up at Mitch and smiles. He's been trying to find a safe place to hide for hours but none of the shop owners had been kind enough to let him hide. And this kind boy is sticking up for him.

"May I buy a Pepsi, please?" One of the girls ask, walking up to the counter.

"Sure," Mitch smiles at her and turns around to start making the Pepsi.

The girl quickly runs around the counter and squeals when she sees Scott sitting on the floor. "It's him!"

Mitch looks over and his eyes widen. How could he have been so stupid? The other girls start running towards the counter but Mitch quickly stands in their way before they can get to Scott. Mitch is no bodyguard by any means but there's no way he's going to let Scott get attacked by these teenage girls. "Get out! Now!"

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