you're my best friend

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Summary: AU // pastel!scott gets picked on a lot because of the clothes he wears and because he's "different". popular!mitch is his best friend. Things get taken way too far when Mitch finds out that Scott's crush is only asking him out for humiliation.

Triggers/Warnings: swearing and bullying


"Mitchie!" Scott squeals excitedly as he runs into his best friend's bedroom.

Mitch looks up from his laptop the instant he hears the familiar voice. "What the-? Please tell me my mum let you into the house and you didn't just burst in here?" He asks.

"Of course she did. Who do you think I am?" Scott asks, pouting.

Mitch chuckles and shuts his laptop. "What's got you in such a good mood?" He asks, raising his eyebrows. "I haven't seen you this excited since you got tickets to see Queen Bey."

"Okay, this isn't that exciting but I have so much to tell you," Scott says.

"Okay, let's sit," Mitch says. He stands up from his chair and walks over to his bed and sits down. He watches as Scott takes off his shoes before plopping down on the bed as well. "What's up?"

"You know that boy Jake at school who I have a really big crush on?" Scott asks.

"You mean the one you literally never shut up about?" Mitch asks, raising his eyebrows.

"Shut up," Scott whines. "He's really cute, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. Just tell me what happened," Mitch laughs.

"He asked me out on a date!" Scott squeals excitedly. "Can you believe it? He asked me out. Nobody ever asks me out. I can barely get a guy to look at me." He sighs happily.

"That's not true, guys are always looking at you," Mitch frowns.

"Yeah, because I wear girly clothes and they think I'm a weirdo," Scott rolls his eyes.

"Shush, you're not a weirdo. Anyways, so, he asked you out?" Mitch asks.

Scott nods. "Yeah, he's taking me out this weekend," he says with a smile. "I think we're just going to see a movie or something. He didn't say what we were doing or anything."

"Well, I'm happy for you. Any man would be lucky to have you as their boyfriend," Mitch smiles.

Scott grins. "Thanks! I just... really hope it goes well. I tend to fuck these things up," he mumbles.

"Nobody's perfect, Scotty. Just be you. That's all you can do," Mitch says softly.

"I know," Scott says before lying down beside Mitch. "You're my best friend."

"You're my best friend," Mitch says, smiling as he looks down at Scott.


Friday came quicker than Mitch thought it would. He can't wait for it to be over though. All week, Scott's been talking about his date with Jake. While Mitch is happy for him, he just wants him to shut up. He wants to talk about something else with Scott that isn't Jake related. Mitch doesn't understand why Scott is so obsessed with him. Yeah, he's cute and attractive... but what else is there?

Mitch doesn't want to admit that he's jealous, because he's not? At least... he thought he wasn't.

Jake also happens to be one of the most popular guys in school. Everybody drools over him. Mitch is lucky that he's also up there in the popular crowd, but Scott's not so lucky. Nobody really hangs out with him because he's "weird". He dresses in girly clothing and sometimes wears makeup. Mitch doesn't care about that though because he likes Scott for who he is.

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