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Summary: AU // Mitch is an Omega who doesn't like to follow the rules. He cares more about his rights as an Omega which can often get him in trouble at times. His family sends him off to the Hoyings for the summer where he'll have to spend time with their son. Things don't get better for Mitch so Scott calls one of the toughest and meanest Alphas to fix Mitch's attitude, but he soon regrets that decision when he sees how much Mitch has changed afterwards.

Trigger Warnings: abuse

A/N: I'm sorry to make Avi the bad guy in this but please remember that it's just for the character in the story and I don't actually think Avi acts like this!


"This is fucking stupid," Mitch grumbles as he sits in the backseat of his car.

"This is exactly why you have to come here, Mitchell. You need to change your attitude," Mike sighs and shakes his head. "How are you expecting to find an Alpha when you get older with an attitude like yours?"

"I don't want an Alpha! I don't need an Alpha!" Mitch argues angrily. "I'm sixteen years old. I'm perfectly able to take care of myself so why do I need someone else?"

"Mitchell, you are an Omega and you're supposed to be submissive to an Alpha. Omegas are there to please their Alphas," Mike tells him. "Good lord, why couldn't you be like your mother? She's the perfect example of what an Omega should be. She has good manners and does what she's told without putting up an argument like you do."

"I'm my own person. I don't need to submit to anyone," Mitch scoffs.

"You'll be staying with the Hoying's for the summer and you'll be spending most of your time with their son Scott, who is an Alpha so you better treat him with respect. It's not up to me whether they chose to punish you or not but I assume they will as we're sending you here to clean your act up," Mike says before letting out a sigh.

"What?" Mitch yells as he sits up. "You're going to let them punish me?"

"What other choice do I have, Mitch?" Mike asks.

"What type of father are you?" Mitch shakes his head and looks out the window.

"Mitch, get out of the car," Mike tells him before he opens the door and steps out of the car.

Mitch sighs in defeat and also gets out of the car and follows Mike up to the house. The house is practically a mansion and Mitch knows this family is rich so he can't really complain about living here. It's better than being at home. His family isn't the richest which is unfortunate for Mitch as he loves shopping.

"Mike, good to see you again,"

Mitch looks up and blinks a few times when he sees an older man with blonde hair. An Alpha.

"Come in," the blonde haired man says as he lets Mike and Mitch into the house.

"Thank you, Rick. This is my son, Mitch," Mike says as he points at Mitch.

"Ah, yes. The troublemaker that we've been hearing so much about," 'Rick' says. "Scott!"

A smaller blonde suddenly walks out from the lounge and over to where his dad is. "Yes, dad?"

"This is Mitch. The Omega that I've been telling you about,"

Scott looks over and smirks when he sees Mitch though he doesn't say anything.

Mitch glares at him and crosses his arms against his chest. "Don't even think about it, buddy,"

Scott blinks a few times as he stares at Mitch, a little surprised at Mitch's attitude and sass. He's never met an Omega that's brave enough to talk like that in front of Alphas.

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