little diva (pt. 2)

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"So, you're telling me... you're willing to work with Grassi again after the way he treated you?"

"I don't know. I don't think he was too bad. I've dealt with worse. Remember that one time we worked with Avi Kaplan? Now he was a nightmare!" Scott exclaims. "So, Grassi said a few harsh things. Whatever. That photoshoot turned out fucking beautiful and we gained a lot of clients after that."

Kirstie sighs in defeat. "Well, I guess if that's what you want. But, you should know something..."

"What's that?" Scott asks as he pulls his phone out.

"Don't hate me, but, I know about yours and Grassi's relationship," Kirstie says as she pulls out her phone and shows Scott a picture of him and Mitch kissing, taken place after their first photoshoot.

Scott looks at the picture and his eyes widen, and he quickly grabs the phone from Kirstie. "What?"

"I saw you two after the photoshoot. I hadn't left yet, and I had a question to ask you but when I returned... you were too busy smooching on him. And I heard some things that cannot be unheard. Don't worry though, I haven't told anybody but, I just want you to know that I know," Kirstie says.

"You've had this picture for three months and you haven't said anything to me?" Scott asks angrily.

"I wanted to tell you at the right time," Kirstie says. "Why didn't you tell me you were married?"

"Things are really crazy right now in both Mitch and I's life. He's one of the biggest popstars right now and we both agreed things would be better if we just kept our relationship a secret," Scott says. "Only our family knows that we're married. We had a small wedding in Texas a few months ago. We haven't been able to go on our honeymoon yet though because we've been so busy."

"But, if people knew that you two were married... everyone would go totally nuts! Everyone would be talking about you. You'd be all over the press and social media. You want your business to take off, right?"

"No!" Scott snaps, glaring at Kirstie. "I am not using my relationship for my business. I love Mitch so much, and I would never do that to him. Just like I know he would never do that to me. Forget about it. And if you tell anyone about our marriage, then I won't hesitate to tell people that you slept with Lewis."

Kirstie gasps. "I told you that in confidence! What the fuck, Scott? I would never..."

"You say that but I know how you gossip online. You'll say anything just to earn a few retweets,"

"Fuck you. I wouldn't do something like that to you," Kirstie scoffs.

Scott sighs, rubbing his forehead as he can feel the stress coming over him. "We're doing the photoshoot with Mitch. It's happening this weekend," he says. "And, besides, we hardly get to see each other."

"Isn't he going on tour in a few weeks?" Kirstie asks curiously.

Scott pouts. "Don't remind me. I'm going to miss him so much!"

Kirstie raises her eyebrows as she looks over at Scott. "This is very weird. I mean, he's such a diva...?"

"No. Most of it is just an act. He's actually the sweetest boy. I wouldn't have married him if he was a diva. I can't deal with people like that. Will you please give him a chance?" Scott asks.

"Of course, but I won't forget about the shit he's said about me in the past," Kirstie mumbles.

"Kirst, you gossip about him on twitter all the time," Scott rolls his eyes. "What do you expect from him?"

"Look, we have a very complicated relationship. Lets leave it at that," she says.

Scott chuckles at her. "Hey, would you like to come over tonight and meet him officially? You've only met Mitch Grassi "the diva". But you haven't met Mitch Grassi "my beautiful and wonderful husband"."

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