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Summary: AU // Scott and Mitch met each other at an orphanage and become best friends. Fast forward a few years later and thinks are different. Mitch is a famous popstar with millions of dollars while Scott... isn't so lucky.


"Hi, my name is Scott," Scott smiles at the little boy sitting across the bed from him. "What's your name?"

"M-M-Mitch," the boy answers quietly as he hugs the stuffed teddy bear in his arms tightly.

"We're gonna be best friends!" Scott exclaims as he throws his arms up excitedly.

"Wh-What's that?" Mitch asks, looking up at Scott.

"A best friend is someone that you hang out with a lot, and they tell each other secrets. Someone that you can trust with those secrets," Scott says with a smile. "You can trust me."

"Oh, o-okay," Mitch says quietly with a nod.

"How old are you? I'm thirteen," Scott tells him.

Mitch holds up ten fingers, and then three fingers, making his teddy bear drop to the floor.

"Teddy!" Mitch cries as he reaches down and grabs it.

Scott raises his eyebrows as he watches him in amusement. "How come you're here?"

Mitch looks up at him. "Mommy and daddy were mean to me, and the police people saved me," he says.

"Mine were mean too, and then they decided that they didn't want me anymore," Scott says.

"H-How long do we have to stay here?" Mitch asks.

"Until someone decides they want to adopt you. If you don't get adopted, they kick you out at eighteen," Scott explains. "I hear they give you money before they kick you out but I don't know." He shrugs.

"How long have you been here for?" Mitch asks.

"Three years," Scott tells him before lying down on his back. "It's bedtime." He claps his hands twice, which turns off the lights in their bedroom. He hears a whimper from Mitch but decides to ignore it.

It's only ten minutes later when Scott feels someone poking him repeatedly on the shoulder.

"Stop poking me! I hate when people do that," Scott complains as he swats at the hand.

There's another whimper, and Scott looks over to see Mitch standing there with his teddy bear.

"What are you doing?" Scott asks, sitting up on his elbows.

"I'm scared!" Mitch cries as tears pour out of his eyes.

The expression on Scott's face softens instantly. "Oh... you can sleep in my bed then," he tells him.

Mitch gasps and immediately crawls onto Scott's bed, curling up next to Scott.

Scott smiles as he looks down at the smaller boy, and then covers him up with the blanket.

That night, Scott vows to himself to protect the smaller boy for as long as they're together.

Scott doesn't know what he's been through, but he won't let him get hurt ever again.


While Scott did keep his promise for the next five years, it wasn't long before the two friends were separated from each other once they left the shelter they had called home for years.

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