kissing booth

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Summary: Mitch has a kissing booth at the fair and Scott's interested.


also this is the shortest one-shot I've ever posted in this book lmao


Scott sighs as he walks around, bored out of his mind. He's been at the town's fair with his family all day but now he's bored and wants to go home. His family is still riding rides and playing games so that left him with no one to talk to. He wants to go home but it's not like he can just leave his family.

Scott bites his lip slightly as he looks around, and then he raises his eyebrows when he spots a booth with a sign that says 'kissing booth $1'. He's never seen a booth like that at one of the fairs before.

But luckily for him there's a cute boy standing underneath that sign so of course Scott's going to take this advantage of getting a kiss. It's been awhile since he's been with someone anyways.

The closer Scott got to the boy under the booth, the more interested and curious he became. The boy seems so innocent and small and Scott must have him.

Finally, it's Scott's turn. He's not surprised that the line is so long and full of men. This boy is young and attractive so of course people will want to get a chance to kiss him.

"Someone's popular today," Scott says as he smirks.

The boy looks up and his eyes widen slightly when he sees how tall and attractive he is. "Wow..."

"I've never seen a kissing booth at this fair. Why?"

"Well-" The boy sighs. "I'm broke as fuck and I need the money. I just got fired from my job and I don't have any money to buy for the apartment that I'm currently living in," he explains.

"Hm. How much for a kiss?"

The boy points up at the sign. "Just one dollar," he says.

Scott chuckles. "I can do better, sweetheart," he says before pulling some money out of his pocket and slapping a one hundred dollar bill on the booth.

The boy's eyes widen when he sees the money.

"What's your name, cutie?"


"Nice to meet you, Mitch,"

Mitch looks up at Scott, eyes still wide. "What's your name?"

Scott smirks and leans closer to Mitch. "That'll be Daddy to you," he whispers in his ear.

Mitch gasps and his cheeks turn bright pink. "D-Daddy...?"

Scott kisses Mitch, soft and sweet yet passionate at the same time. He pulls away a few seconds later and then he hands Mitch a card. "Give me a call sometime," he winks before walking away.

Mitch looks down at the card in his hands and he takes a deep breath.

Oh, he will definitely be giving him a call later.

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