good to be bad

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Summary: AU // Scott is a demon who breaks into Heaven. There, he meets an angel named Mitch. Scott is instantly attracted to the angel, and thinks he can turn this angel into a demon.

This is for PTX-Soprano! :D

I'm not sure if this is good or not, but I enjoyed writing it lmao.


Scott loves being a demon. It's much better than being an angel. He gets to do whatever he wants, and doesn't have to listen to anyone. Not even his parents, which is a bonus. Angels were "perfect", and thought they were better than everyone else. The angels aggravate Scott.

So, of course, Scott being the bad boy demon that he is, had managed to sneak into Heaven one day, because he wanted to see what it was like, and it was horrible. Everyone is so nice to each other, and everybody's always smiling at each other. Meanwhile, in Hell, the demons avoided each other at all costs.


Scott jumps and quickly looks for a place to hide. He wasn't supposed to be seen by an angel. If someone from Hell found out that he had come here, then he would get in serious trouble. Of course, normally Scott wouldn't care... but this could result in a punishment. Punishments are something you don't want in Hell.

"What's your name?" The boy asks as he flies over to him. "I'm Mitch."

"None of your business," the demon spat. Mitch seems unphased though.

Mitch stares at Scott, and then he starts circling around him. "You seem... different?"

Scott rolls his eyes, quickly growing annoyed by the angel. "I'm a demon. Alright? God, you're so annoying. I'm literally dressed in all black. You should have guessed that the second you spotted me!"

Mitch gasps and his eyes widen, quickly taking a few steps back away from the demon. "Do not ever use his name like that again!" He yelled, before shoving Scott, almost making him fall over. "We never use the Lord's name in vain. It's forbidden."

Scott glares at Mitch, shoving him right back. But, of course, Mitch's wings saved him from falling down. "You do not get to tell me what to do. I'm a demon. I do as I please," he snaps.

"Wh-What are you doing here in Heaven then?" The angels asks curiously, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"I just wanted to see what it was like here. I've never been here before but I've heard so much about it," Scott explains as he looks around before looking back at Mitch. He sighs "I decided I hated it. It's too... white, and way too clean for my liking. This place is so boring."

"You are free to leave, Mr. Demon. The gate is right there," Mitch says as he points towards the gates of Heaven.

Scott looks over at Mitch, looking him up and down, and a smirk forms on his face.

Suddenly, Scott has a plan. An evil plan. But, a plan. He's very attracted to this angel, despite the fact that he's well... an angel. Any other "normal" angel would have run off by now if they had spotted Scott. Mitch is different, and Scott thinks that he has potential. Scott is going to turn him into a demon if it's the last thing he does.

"No. No thank you. I don't want to leave yet," he says, slowly walking closer to Mitch. "You are very pretty."

"Oh," Mitch giggles and his cheeks turn bright pink. "Why, thank you. I've never been complimented before by a demon. You're one of the nicest demons I've ever met. How is that possible?"

Scott's eyes instantly turn from red to dark black, being called a nice demon angering him.

"Have you ever been to Hell?" Scott asks the angel.

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