black and white (pt. 2)

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Summary: AU // Now that Scott and Mitch are finally together, things have changed. Mitch is more known because he's dating famous popstar "Scott Hoying". He's not used to this new life, but luckily Scott is there to make things easier.


Things changed for Mitch drastically after he and Scott officially became soulmates. The whole world knew about they're relationship, though it was mostly just the fangirls who are "depressed" that Scott is no longer available. However, they seemed to take a liking to Mitch so he surprisingly didn't get any hate from fans.

Mitch quickly learned that he didn't like being known by so many people. The only reason he's "famous" is because he's insanely dating the famous popstar Scott Hoying. He didn't like being stopped on the streets so many times. He could hardly go out anymore without being asked for a selfie.

Of course, Mitch continued to work his normal job at the coffee shop even though Scott had tons of money and offered to take care of MItch. Mitch didn't want to rely on someone else. They're shop gained a lot of exposure thanks to Scott, which is good because the business had started to run slow.

Unfortunately, Scott is extremely busy still with touring and constantly being on the road. Mitch doesn't get to see him a lot but they talk on the phone every single day and FaceTime whenever Scott has free time.

"So, when are you seeing Scott again?" Kirstie asks curiously as she watches Mitch clean a table.

"Saturday," Mitch replies with a smile as he looks over at Kirstie. "He's only home for a couple of days but he said he wants to spend as much time with me as possible. I miss him so much." He pouts.

"It's only been, what? Five months since you two became soulmates?" Kirstie asks. "You've only been able to see him a handful of times. But, I do think it's super sweet Scott calls you every single day."

"I know," Mitch sighs happily. "I still can't believe he's mine. Like, we're actually soulmates."

"Isn't it great?" Kirstie grins. "And the best part is being able to see in color!"

"I know! It's so fun!" Mitch exclaims, jumping excitedly. "By the way, how are you and Avi doing?"

"We're doing good," Kirstie smiles. "We should go on a double date this weekend!"

"Oh my gosh. That would be so fun," Mitch says. "I'll have to ask Scott and see what he thinks."

Kirstie looks up when the door opens and her eyes widen for a quickly moment, and then a wide smile forms on her face. She giggles, causing Mitch to look over at her.


"What are you giggling at?" Mitch asks, raising his eyebrows.

Scott slowly creeps behind Mitch and tickles him, causing Mitch to squeal. "Hey! Let me go!"

Scott laughs and wraps his arms around Mitch, hugging him tightly even as Mitch is struggling to get out of his grip, not realizing that it's Scott yet. "Are you sure you want me to let you go?"

Mitch gasps. "Scott!" He cries before turning and burying his face in Scott's chest. "You came early!"

"Of course," Scott smiles and then he gently kisses Mitch's forehead. "I wanted to spend more time with my soulmate. I hope that's okay?" He looks down at Mitch and smiles at him.

Mitch giggles as he looks up at Scott. "Of course it's okay!" He reaches up and kisses Scott. "Wow. This is such a surprise. I can't believe that you're actually here. We were literally just talking about you before you walked in. Anyways, God... I missed you so fucking much."

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