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Summary: Scott takes care of Mitch when he becomes sick.


Scott blinks a few times as he's woken up by the sound of groaning. He stretches his arms and legs out, then he looks over and frowns when he sees that his boyfriend is nowhere to be seen.

"Mitch?" Scott calls before pushing himself up. He glances over at the time. 9am.

"Right here," Mitch mumbles as he walks back into the bedroom.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Scott asks, patting the bed beside him.

Mitch pouts as he crawls onto the bed and then crawls over to Scott and curls up in his lap.

Scott chuckles as he gently rubs Mitch's back. "Did you just get sick?"

Mitch slowly nods and closes his eyes. "Tummy hurts," he says. "Don't feel good."

"I'm so sorry. Do you want to go to the doctor?" Scott asks, holding him.

"No," Mitch whines, before coughing again. "I don't want to go anywhere."

"Good thing we aren't on tour right now, huh?" Scott asks. "Stay here. I'll get you some tea and medicine. That should help you get better in no time."

"No, stay," Mitch mumbles as he holds onto Scott tightly, so that he couldn't get up.

"Mitchie," Scott laughs. "I want to help you get better. I don't want you to be sick."

"I don't want to be sick either," Mitch mumbles before falling down onto the bed.

"I'm sorry pumpkin," Scott says. He leans down to kiss him, but stops when Mitch pushes him away. "Why can't I kiss you?" He pouts.

"Don't kiss me! I'm sick," Mitch says quickly, looking away.

Scott chuckles and then he leans down and kisses Mitch's cheek. "I'll be right back,"

Scott stands up from the bed and then he walks to the kitchen. He makes Mitch some tea and then he grabs some medicine from the bathroom for Mitch. He walks back to the bedroom and frowns when he doesn't see Mitch, and then he hears the toilet flush again.

"Mitchie," Scott whispers before setting everything down. He goes to the bathroom and opens the door, and then sees Mitch sitting on the floor, his back against the wall. "I'm sorry you don't feel good." He walks over to him and helps Mitch stand up. He walks him back over to the bed and helps him lay down.

"Why the fuck do I always get sick?" Mitch groans.

"It's bound to happen a lot when you're travelling all over the world and meeting people," Scott says. "Here... take this tea and medicine. It should help you feel better." He hands Mitch the medicine first and then he hands him the tea. "Was it okay?"

Mitch shrugs, and then leans his head back against the pillows. "Thanks for taking care of me,"

"Oh shush. You're my little pumpkin. I'll always take care of you," Scott assures.

"That's sweet," Mitch yawns before closing his eyes.

"Get some rest, okay? You'll feel better when you wake up," Scott whispers before kissing his forehead.


It's a couple hours later when Mitch finally wakes up again. Of course, he still feels like crap, but he decides to grab his blanket and go out to the living room, where he finds Scott sitting on the couch with Wyatt.

Scott looks over when he hears footsteps and sits up when he sees Mitch.

"How you feeling, Mitchie?" Scott asks as Mitch walks into the living room.

"Like shit," Mitch answers honestly as he walks over to the couch and sits down.

"I'm sorry. Your tummy doesn't feel any better?" Scott asks, pulling Mitch into a hug.

"Kind of... but I still feel like shit," Mitch sighs. "Stuffed nose. Coughing. I hate it."

"I'll go get you some more tea. It's supposed to help with your tummy. I'll give you some cold medicine."

"'Kay," Mitch mumbles as he curls up in his blanket.

"Aw," Scott coos as he watches Mitch. "My poor sick baby." He stands up and goes to the kitchen. He gets a new cup of tea and then he grabs some cold medicine. He goes back to the living room and chuckles when he sees Wyatt trying to cuddle with Mitch. "Aw. Wyatt must know you're sick."

"Go away," Mitch whines as he pushes Wyatt away.

"Watch out Wy," Scott says before sitting down on the couch. "Here you go, baby." He hands him the medicine and then hands him the tea. "As long as you keep taking your medicine... you'll get better."

"Medicine takes fucking awful," Mitch groans as he sets the medicine on the table after taking it.

"It's not supposed to taste good," Scott chuckles.

"Whatever, it still tastes horrible," Mitch mumbles before taking a drink of the tea.

"But, the tea tastes good, right?" Scott asks, scooting closer to Mitch.

"Of course," Mitch says as he cuddles up next to Scott. "You make good tea."

"I'm glad," Scott smiles as he wraps his arms around Mitch and holds him close, rubbing his back. "What would you like to watch?" He asks as he looks down at the smaller boy in his arms.

"Um. Spongebob?" Mitch asks as he looks up at Scott.

"Spongebob it is," Scott says as he changes the channel to Spongebob.

"Spongebob and cuddles with my favorite person will surely make me feel better," Mitch says.

"I love you," Scott whispers as he gently kisses Mitch's forehead.

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