baby girl

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Summary: AU // Mitch is Scott's sugar daddy. Scott is still in high school and he's technically still a minor. Things take a turn for the worst when Scott's best friend Kirstie finds out and tells Scott's parent about Scott's sugar daddy.

sugardaddy!Mitch for :) CarolineGoff


Scott giggles as he reads text messages from his phone, earning an eyebrow raise from his best friend, Kirstie. They were currently sitting in Scott's bedroom "doing homework" when in reality they were gossiping about cute boys and painting their nails. Basically, everything but doing their homework.

"Okay," Kirstie begins, breaking the silence. "You've been giggling at you phone for like, five minutes. What's up with you? And, who are you texting?" She pushes herself up.

"Nothing. What? I'm not texting anybody," Scott quickly holds his phone to his chest, looking at Kirstie.

"Yeah, right. Let me see-" She reaches over and snatches Scott's phone from him.

"Hey! Give that back!" Scott yells as he sits up quickly. "You can't just read my text messages!"

"Why? Are you hiding something from me?" Kirstie asks. She punches in Scott's passcode, thankful that she and Scott trust each other enough to give each other their passcodes, and then she goes straight to his text messages. She raises her eyebrows when she sees that he's been texting someone named 'Mitch'. "Who is Mitch? I've never ever heard you talking about a... holy shit. There's like a thousand messages between you and Mitch!" She looks up at Scott with wide eye.

"I like to keep my messages," Scott snaps. "Give it back!" He tries to grab the phone but Kirstie turns so that he isn't able to grab the phone. "Who is he? Is he cute? Does he go to our school?"

"Kirstie," Scott groans, scooting over to her. "Give me my phone back."

Kirstie clicks on the text messages from Mitch, and reads the most recent ones.


holy fuck baby girl you look so fucking cute today

God I wish I could see you right now

are you coming over tonight?


I can't daddy :( today is a school night


fuck school!! I want to see you tonight

Just lie to your parents or something. I just wanna rip that sweater off you right now

Kirstie's eyes widen and she looks over at Scott. "Scott, who is Mitch?"

"He's no one," Scott reaches over and finally grabs his phone back from Kirstie. "You had no right..."

"Bullshit. He's not no one. According to your text message, he's someone who you call daddy!"

"So, what? I hear my mom call my dad 'daddy' in a non sexual way sometimes," Scott argues.

"Scott, you are seventeen years old and still in high school. You shouldn't be calling anyone 'daddy'," Kirstie snaps. "Is he your boyfriend or something? Who is this guy?"

Scott sighs. "You're going to judge me if I tell you the truth, Kirstin. I mean... you're already judging me for calling him daddy," he mumbles as he a look down at his phone.

Kirstie sighs in defeat. "I promise I'm not going to judge. I'm going to be open-minded," she says.

Scott takes a deep breath as he looks up at Kirstie. "Mitch is... he's m-my sugar daddy," he mumbles.

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