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Summary: AU // Mitch is mute and Scott is his boyfriend. Things go badly when a substitute teacher calls on Mitch during class, unaware that he can't speak.

A/N: I saw someone request this but for some reason couldn't find the comment?



Mitch smiles as he walks into the school, heading directly towards his locker.

Of course, there's his boyfriend, standing there and waiting for him like he does everyday.

Mitch speeds up his walking and runs up to his boyfriend, and hugs him tightly when he reaches him.

"Oh, hey-" Scott looks down in surprise and laughs as soon as he realizes that it's just Mitch, and he instantly hugs him back. "There's my Princess. How are you? Did you have a good weekend?"

Mitch looks up at Scott and gives him a thumbs up.

"I want to hear all about it. I'm sorry I couldn't spend any time with you, mom..."

Mitch shakes his head and waves him off. He reaches up and kisses Scott once before gently pushing him aside so that he can get into his locker and grab his books for his first few classes.

"Babe, Jake told me that we're having a sub today in English," Scott tells him.

Mitch stops what he's doing and looks at Scott with wide eyes.

"I'm sure everything will be fine but I just thought I'd tell you ahead of time," Scott says. "And, if anyone gives you any shit then I'll beat them up and you know that I will."

Mitch rolls his eyes and finishes grabbing his books. He's definitely not looking forward to English.

Mitch hates whenever they have substitute teachers, because usually something bad happens. They're usually not told ahead of time that Mitch is mute and cannot speak so the sub usually calls on Mitch and embarrasses him when Mitch doesn't answer the question.

Scott usually sticks up for him though which Mitch appreciates.

"Got everything?" Scott asks when Mitch shuts his locker.

Mitch looks up at Scott and nods, holding his books to his chest.

"Here, let me-"

Mitch glares at him playfully and shakes his head. He holds his arm out for Scott.

Scott smiles and lets Mitch grab a hold of his arm, and they start walking to their first period class. Unfortunately Mitch only has two classes with Scott, first period and the period before lunch so he doesn't really get to see Scott as much as he would like to.

Luckily the first few periods go back smoothly but now it's English class and Mitch is nervous.

As soon as he arrives to the classroom, he goes straight to his assigned seat and sits down. Of course he's the first one to arrive in class but he always is. He's constantly paranoid about being late.

Mitch pulls out his notebook and starts doodling, waiting for class to start.

A few students start piling in. Then Mitch hears familiar laughing coming from the hallway. He looks over and smiles a little when he sees Scott standing outside with his two friends, Alex and Avi.

"Whatever, I gotta get in class," Scott laughs loudly before walking into the classroom. He looks up and grins when he sees Mitch sitting in his seat. He walks over to him and bends down to kiss him. "Hi love, I've missed you. Did you have a good morning?"

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