baseball game

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A/N: I don't know much about baseball but this was too cute not to write!

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A/N: I don't know much about baseball but this was too cute not to write!


"I can't believe we're actually here," Mitch squeals excitedly as he jumps up and down.

Kirstie laughs as she watches Mitch. "I've never seen you so excited about baseball before,"

"Girl, please. You know the only reason why I watch baseball is because of-"

"Scott Hoying. Yes, I know. You have like the biggest crush on him, like everyone in America," Kirstie says before rolling her eyes. "I mean, I get that he's cute but, what's the big deal?"

"He's not just cute. He's fine as hell, and have you seen the uniform on him? I don't know a lot about baseball if I'm being honest but I know the basics so I can keep up with the game if I really wanted to," Mitch says with a shrug. "And I can actually see him right now. I can't believe how close we are! How did you get these tickets anyways? They must have been expensive."

"Eh, not really. I didn't have to pay for them at all. I know someone who knows one of the players on the team and so I told my friend that you were a big fan,"

"Wow," Mitch smiles. "That was really nice of you to do."

"Hey, you're my best friend in the whole wide world... and you did take me to see Paramore that one time so think of this as payback even though that was like... years ago," Kirstie laughs.

"Whatever you say," Mitch shrugs. "How long 'til the game starts?"

"Any minute now," Kirstie tells him after she glances at the clock on her phone. "Are you sure you don't want anything to drink? I can go get something real quick. I don't mind missing the start."

Mitch shrugs as he looks over at Kirstie. "I mean... I'm not opposing if you want to go get one. It's getting hotter and hotter. I'm already sweating. This is not a cute look for me," he complains.

Kirstie laughs and gently pats his shoulder. "I'll be right back," she says before walking away.

Mitch smiles as he watches Kirstie leave, making sure she is alright first, and then he turns and looks back at the field and sighs when he sees Scott standing with some of his teammates.

Mitch just wants to meet him so bad. Scott Hoying is talented at everything he does and it is a bonus that he is also very attractive and very gay. Mitch looks up to him a lot despite the fact that he knows little about baseball.

Kirstie comes back just after the game has started with two drinks in her hand.

"You're the absolute best," Mitch says as he takes one of the Pepsi's from her.

"I know how you get when it gets too hot," Kirstie says. "How's Hoying?"

"Looking sexy as ever in that uniform. Oh, you meant the game?" Mitch blushes.

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