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Summary: AU // Scott Hoying is the meanest and richest Alpha in town. He doesn't care about anyone. It takes a fragile and small Omega to change the way he feels and thinks.

Trigger Warnings: abuse and punishments


Scott Hoying is probably one of the meanest Alphas you'll ever meet. He doesn't care for anyone but himself, and he treats others as if they were pieces of trash on the street. Scott especially treats the Omegas horribly. They're slaves to him. He makes them work until they're exhausted.

Anyone who dares try standing up to Scott is punished on spot.

Scott is also one of the richest Alphas. He owns a mansion where he has multiple Omegas and Betas working for him. Some of his Alpha friends stay around to make sure they are doing their job correctly, as Scott is so busy he doesn't have time to look after his workers.

"We have a new Omega coming today,' Avriel informs Scott.

"Name?" Scott asks, looking up at the Alpha standing in front of him.

"Mitchell Grassi. He's seventeen years old, and he's an Omega. He's very fragile and weak,"

"Then why is this Omega coming to work for me?" Scott asks, unimpressed.

"He will be working in the field, sir. We'll make sure to put some meat on him. He'll be one of the best. He's a male omega, Scott. Do you know how rare those are? I've only met one in my life."

"Hm. A male Omega," Scott mumbles to himself. "No. He will not work out in the field. He'll work for me."

"Sir?" Avriel asks, tilting his head slightly. "What do you mean?"

"He will be working for me as my personal slave," Scott tells him. "Someone as rare as him should not be working in the field. The Betas will continue to work in the field, and the female Omegas will continue to work in the house. Mitchell will be staying with me. I don't want another Alpha going anywhere near him."

"Yes, sir. I will make sure to inform the other Alphas. But... you do know they will try, right?" Avriel asks.

"Then I will kick them out of my house permanently. Now, when is he arriving?" Scott asks.

"In a few hours," Avriel tells him. "Should I have the girls make sure the house is ready?"

"Yes," Scott nods. "And I want to have a welcome dinner for him later on as well."

"Don't tell me you're becoming soft now, Hoying," Avriel raises his eyebrows.

"Soft?" Scott scoffs, and then stands up from his seat. "Fuck off with that shit. Besides, we always have a welcome dinner when a new worker arrives. I had one for you when you officially started working for me."

"I guess so," Avriel nods. "Ehm, maybe you shouldn't swear around this Omega. I heard he's very... um, jumpy. He was abused by his last Alpha. You should earn his trust if he's going to work for you."

"Don't tell me what to do with my Omegas," Scott warns. "And make sure we have his correct paperwork so I can add them to my files and we can make him official. Now, be gone. I have a lot to do today."

Avriel rolls his eyes, and then he turns around and makes his way downstairs.

"Good afternoon, sir," Kirstin, a female Omega, greets when she passes Avriel in the hallway.

"Good after- oh, Kirstin. A word, please?" Avriel asks.

Kirstin stops and instantly rushes over to Avriel. "Yes, sir?" She asks.

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