my boyfriend

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Trigger Warnings: Mitch swears a lot

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Trigger Warnings: Mitch swears a lot


"Are you going to that party this weekend?" Kirstie asks as she walks up to Mitch.

"Good morning to you too," Mitch rolls his eyes as he pulls a book out of his locker. "And no."

"What? Why not. The whole school is going, even Scott!" Kirstie exclaims.

"Well, that's great. Good for him. He can have fun at the party. But, you know I don't do well at parties. My anxiety takes over and I never have any fun so there's no point in going. I'd rather stay at home and watch Beyonce videos on youtube," Mitch says.

"Mitch, you can't let your anxiety control you forever. You have to beat it,"

"I wish it was that easy Kirst, but it's not. You go to the party and have fun,"

Kirstie pouts. "But Scott's going to be there. He'll protect you,"

"Speaking of Scott. Where is he? I haven't seen him yet this morning," Mitch says, looking around. He smiles when he sees Scott walk into the hallway, but glares when he sees a girl with him. "Hell no. Who the fuck is that bitch?" He looks over at Kirstie.

"Oh, that's the new girl," Kirstie says. "You gonna tell her off?"

"I'm gonna make sure she knows Scott is mine," Mitch snaps as he slams the door shut. He huffs before walking over to Scott confidently. He taps on Scott's shoulders gently and smiles. "Scotty?"

Scott looks over and smiles the second he sees Mitch. "There you are!"

"Here I am!" Mitch reaches up and kisses Scott, making sure the girl saw them kiss. "You didn't text me back this morning." He pouts.

"Sorry, love. My phone was dead because I forgot to charge it last night," Scott says.

"Well, can we go to choir now? I don't want to be late," Mitch says, wrapping his arm around Scott.

"You have choir first period? So do I! I don't know where it is. Could you show me where it is?" The girl asks, smiling sweetly as she looks up at Scott.

Mitch immediately glares at her.

Can this girl not take a hint? She's obviously flirting with Scott and Scott's so oblivious.

"Sure. Oh, Mitch. This is Brooke. She's the new girl," Scott says.

Mitch doesn't say anything, but he forces a smile. He looks up at Scott. "Come on, let's go," he says, grabbing Scott's hand and leading the way to choir class, all while keeping his eye on the new girl.


"Mitch is not going to be happy. She's been all over him all day," Kirstie says as she walks into the cafeteria with her boyfriend, Jeremy. "Scott's totally oblivious to the flirting too."

"He's probably not used to people flirting with him. Everyone knows not to mess with those two,"

"I guess... but Mitch literally kissed Scott in front of her, and she's still doing it?"

"Who are we talking about?" Mitch asks as he walks up beside Kirstie.

Kirstie jumps slightly and looks over at Mitch. "Oh, hey... um, you might not want look over..."

"What do you mean?" Mitch blinking a few times as he looks over. He gasps when he sees Brooke sitting in his usual spot next to Scott at their table. "Are you fucking kidding me?" He yells, throwing his arms up.

"What are you going to do?" Kirstie asks, biting her lip slightly.

"I've had enough. Everybody knows Scott is mine-"

"Well, not really. She is the new girl," Jeremy says.

"I literally kissed him right in front of her!" Mitch snaps. "Why can't she take a hint?"

"Well, you better go say something to her before things go from bad to worse," Kirstie says.

Mitch sighs angrily before storming over Scott, and tapping on Brooke's shoulder. "Excuse me... you're in my seat," he says, crossing his arms against his chest.

"Um, this is lunch. We don't have assigned seats," Brooke says, looking up at Mitch.

"We don't... but I usually sit there. So, can you please move?" Mitch asks.

"Why can't you just find somewhere else to sit?" Brooke asks.

Scott bites his lip slightly as he looks over at Brooke. "Um, maybe you should-"

"Listen, bitch... I was gonna try to be nice to you but you need to move. You're sitting in my seat, beside my boyfriend. Stop flirting with him!" Mitch yells angrily.

"Mitchie, calm down," Scott says, grabbing his hand. "We were just talking."

"She's not just talking, Scott! She's been flirting with you all damn day and you're too oblivious about it!" Mitch yells, taking a deep breath, not caring that people were staring at them now.

"Excuse me, is there a problem over here?"

Mitch looks over and freezes when he sees their History teacher, Mr. Brett.

"No Sir, I was just leaving..." Brooke says as she stands up from her seat.

"Good," Mr. Brett says. "Let's use our inside voices from now on, Mr. Grassi."

Scott sighs as he watches Brooke walk away and then he looks over at Mitch. "Mitch-"

Mitch pulls his arm away and sits down in his seat with a huff, crossing his arms against his chest as he glares at the table. He hadn't planned on going off like that, but he couldn't help himself.

"Mitch, you can't be mad at me," Scott says, turning to face Mitch.

"Well, I am mad at you so deal with it," Mitch snaps. "I am mad at you because you didn't stop her from flirting with you!"

"Babe, how was I supposed to know she was flirting with me?" Scott asks.

"She literally had her hands all over you!" Mitch exclaims.

"She kind of did Scott, I don't know how you didn't realize," Avi, who is sitting next to Scott, said.

"Avi!" Scott hisses as he looks over at him. "I don't need your input."

"I'm just being real man," Avi says, putting his arms up in surrender.

"I'm going home," Mitch says as he stands up from his seat.

"Baby, no-" Scott quickly reaches up and grabs Mitch by the waist and pulls him down on his lap. "Come on. Don't you trust me? I would never pick that girl over you."

"Scotty," Mitch whines as he tries to get out of his grip. "I trust you. It's her I don't trust."

"You called me Scotty! See, you can't stay mad at me," Scott grins.

"I hate you," Mitch huffs in defeat as he rests his head on Scott's chest.

"I love you too Mitchie," Scott smiles as he hugs the smaller boy tightly, keeping him close.

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