stupid arguments

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Summary: Scott and Mitch have just gotten into a heated argument, and to make matters worse, they're now stuck on an elevator with each other.

A/N: I can't believe we're about to reach 200 oneshots in this book :O


"Mitch, come on, can't we just talk about this?" Scott asks as he follows his boyfriend through the hotel.

"What part of 'leave me alone' didn't you understand?" Mitch asks, clearly frustrated.

Scott and Mitch were currently in New York City, doing some writing sessions for their upcoming album, and things didn't get off to a great start. Well, kind of. They were both extremely ecstatic about sharing their ideas with each other, and with the producers and other writers they were working with.

Unfortunately, things took a wrong turn doing a writing session earlier. Now, Scott and Mitch were arguing, and the writing session was cut short which isn't good considering they're only in NYC for a few days.

"I didn't mean to upset you," Scott sighs, and then he follows Mitch into the elevator.

"Bullshit. I hope you know you're sleeping on the couch tonight," Mitch snaps as he crosses his arms against his chest angrily. "I can't believe how rude you were to me today, and in front of all those people. First impressions mean everything, especially when we're trying to create our first album together."

"I was just giving my honest opinion. I didn't like the song," Scott says.

"You didn't have to be so rude about it. Punch in the floor number," Mitch orders, nodding towards the elevator buttons. "You made such a big deal about it. Did you even think about how I would feel?"

"Okay, now I think you're being a little dramatic," Scott rolls his eyes as he leans against the wall.

Mitch looks over at Scott with his mouth open, and then he glares at him. "Fuck you, Scott," he snaps. "God, I can't wait for this trip to be over with." He scoffs and shakes his head.

"Too bad for you we have a few days left," Scott mumbles, looking away from Mitch.

Mitch sighs, and pulls out his phone to distract himself from Scott.

After a few moments of silence, the elevator suddenly stops, surprising both Scott and Mitch.

"What the hell was that?" Mitch asks, looking around with wide eyes.

"I'm... I'm sure it was nothing," Scott replies nervously.

"That obviously wasn't nothing, dumbass. The elevator stopped and now we're stuck. What did you do?" Mitch asks as he looks over at Scott, panic written all over his face.

Scott frowns as he looks back at Mitch. "Why do you assume it's my fault?"

"Because it's always your fault. You're an idiot. So, what did you do?" Mitch asks.

"What the fuck, Mitch? It wasn't me!" Scott yells, glaring at Mitch. "The elevator stopped on its own."

Mitch looks around, and his eyes light up when he sees the emergency button, and he quickly pushes it, hoping the hotel maintenance will respond quickly. He does not want to be stuck in an elevator.

"We're... We're really stuck in an elevator?" Scott asks, his breathing picking up.

"What does it look like?" Mitch asks, rolling his eyes.

"Oh my God," Scott breathes, closing his eyes tightly. "We're going to die. This is my last day on Earth."

Mitch blinks a few times and looks over at Scott, ready to throw a mean comment at him, but stops when he sees that Scott's starting to have a panic attack. Usually, it's the other way around.

"Hey, Scott?" Mitch asks, taking a step closer to him.

"We-We have to get out!" Scott cries as he walks over to the door and bangs on it.

"Scott!" Mitch yells, quickly reaching over and grabbing a hold of Scott, and pulls him away from the door. "Baby, calm down. Please. Take a deep breath. It's like you always tell me."

"I-I can't!" Scott cries, looking at Mitch with fear in his eyes. "We're gonna die in this elevator!"

"No, don't be silly, we're not going to die. It's going to be fine. I pressed the emergency button. People will be here any minute to help us get out. You just have to remain calm," Mitch tells him softly.

Scott lets out a sob and slowly sinks down to the floor.

Mitch frowns, and sits down on his knees. "Scotty, take a deep breath. You have to listen to me," he says.

Scott closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Good. Just like that," Mitch whispers as he gently rubs Scott's back. "You've got it."

Scott sniffs and rubs his hands over his face, before looking up at Mitch. "Wh-Why are you helping me?"

"What? Why wouldn't I help you? You've helped me countless of times," Mitch says.

"But... I-I thought you were m-mad at me?" Scott asks, frowning.

"Forget about that," Mitch chuckles. "Your health is more important than any stupid argument."

"I'm..." Scott takes another deep breath. "I'm really sorry Mitch. I didn't mean to be so rude earlier. Truth is, I was extremely nervous about working with a bunch of new people for our album. I really liked your song, but I panicked and just said I didn't like it. I ruined everything, didn't I?"

"Shh, you didn't ruin anything," Mitch assures him. "We still have a bunch more writing sessions to go to, and we're going to kick ass. We've worked way too hard to let this go." He wraps his arms around Scott and hugs him tightly. "You're not an idiot. I love you, Scotty. I'm sorry things got heated."

Scott can't help but smile as he hugs Mitch back, relieved they were able to makeup. "I love you too,"

After just a couple of minutes of hugging each other in a comfortable silence, they hear people outside. Mitch had almost forgotten about the fact that he and Scott were stuck in an elevator.

"Scotty, we're saved!" Mitch exclaims before jumping up, and then helping Scott up.

"Oh, thank God. I thought we were going to die!" Scott cries, hugging Mitch.

The doors open, revealing two men on the other side of the elevator.

"Heard you guys needed some help," the man chuckles when he sees the two boys in the elevator.

Scott gasps, and runs out of the elevator. "You're a lifesaver!" He hugs the man.

Mitch chuckles as he walks out of the elevator as well. "Sorry about him. We're really emotional right now,"

"No worries. I would be too if I was just stuck in an elevator. Glad you're both safe,"

"Yeah, thank you," Mitch smiles and grabs Scott's hand. "I think we're going to take the stairs up."

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