birthday present

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Summary: AU // Scott has been through many abusive Alpha's. He's sold once again to the Grassi family as a birthday present to their son. Scott and Mitch get off on the wrong foot but Mitch quickly reassures Scott that he is nothing like all those other Alpha's.


Scott was only ten years old when he was sold to his first Alpha, due to the fact that his parents desperately needed money and since Scott is an Omega... he's worth a lot of money.

Fast forward eight years later, now he's been sold for a third time.

It's not his fault, at least that's what he thinks anyways. He always does everything his Alpha's ask him to do... even when he doesn't want to do it. Scott always thought he was a good Omega but his Alpha's always told him different and he got punished a lot. His body is littered with bruises because of this.

"Hopefully this will be the last time I have to see you Scott,"

Scott looks up at the lady, the lady he always sees when he goes to a new Alpha.

"Mitch Grassi will be your new Alpha. He's twenty years old, so that means he's two years older than you. Apparently you are a birthday present from his parents," Caroline explains to him.

Scott frowns and looks down at his feet. He's a birthday present. People are allowed to do that? He's a bit disgusted but... he's an Omega so his opinions don't matter, unfortunately for him.

The door finally opens, revealing an older woman.

"You must be Caroline. I'm Nel, Mitchell's mother. We spoke on the phone," the woman smiles.

"Yes, hello Mrs. Grassi. I bought the Omega you requested. This is Scott," Caroline says before pushing Scott forward. "He's eighteen years old and he is gay. He should be perfect for your son."

Scott sighs quietly. Of course. This Alpha will only want him for his body, like all the other Alphas.

"Wonderful. Thank you. I'm sure Mitch will love him. I'll speak to you again soon," Nel says before grabbing Scott and pulling him into the house. "Follow me, Scott. Mitchell is right in here..."

Scott looks up at her but he doesn't say anything to her as he knows not to speak or do anything until he's told to do. That's what his old Alpha taught him. Scott follows Mrs. Grassi until they walk into a room, a room he assumes what the 'living room'. This house is huge and everything is so fancy. He's never ever been in a house like this before and he feels a little out of place and intimidated by it.


"Yeah, mom?"

Scott's head snaps up at the sound of Mitchell's voice, the voice that is supposedly going to be his new Alpha. He sounds beautiful and Scott hasn't even seen him yet. Maybe this Alpha will be nice and not abusive like the rest of his Alpha's have been, but Scott can't have his hopes up.

"I'd like for you to meet someone,"

Scott stops walking once they reach the living room and bow his head down out of respect.

"Um, mom... who is this?" The Alpha asks as he stands up from the couch he'd been sitting on.

"This is Scott. He's an Omega," Nel says as she points to Scott. "He's yours now."

"He's what?" Mitch asks. "Mom, you did not buy an Omega as a birthday present..."

"What? You always talk about how you much wish you had an Omega," Nel says. "So I looked online and I found him. He's perfect for you. He's young and he's gay. Isn't that what you wanted?"

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