together forever

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Summary: AU // Scott is a vampire, and Mitch is not. He's the only one who knows about Scott's secret. It's Halloween, and the two friends go out to a club to celebrate with friends. However, things get a little too wild, resulting in something Scott swore he would never do.


Mitch has always known that Scott was a vampire, ever since they were teenagers. He was shocked when Scott had confessed to him. Scott had been attacked by another vampire one night.

Scott promised Mitch that he would never hurt him, and Mitch trusted him.

Now, Mitch is twenty four and Scott still hasn't turned him into a vampire yet.

But sometimes, Scott and Mitch like to go out and drink together just for the heck of it. Scott usually protests at first, as anything could happen if he's drunk, but Mitch insisted that they go together.

It's Halloween after all, and they don't have any other plans. Why not have a little fun?

"Okay, but if I start getting really drunk..."

"Scott, calm down. We've gotten drunk together before and nothing ever happens. You're really good at controlling yourself," Mitch says as they walk into the building.

"But it's Halloween, and I'm always really hype on Halloween. I'm probably going to bite a couple people tonight. I don't want you to be one of those people,"

"Okay," Mitch turns and looks at Scott. "If I start to notice you're getting a little too crazy, I'll grab you before things get bad and we'll leave. We'll go straight home. No questions asked."

"Okay, I guess that makes me feel a little better," Scott nods.

Mitch smiles and kisses Scott's cheek before grabbing his hand and heading towards the bar.

Within' a half an hour, the bar was filled with Pentatonix members and all of their friends. Some of them dressed up as it was Halloween. Scott wished he had dressed up, but he's a vampire... so, technically... he did dress up. His friends just didn't know it. Only Mitch did.

It didn't take very long for Scott to get totally wasted. He was dancing wild and acting crazy, but his friends didn't question his behavior because that's just how Scott is every time he's drunk.

"Scotty, I think you should calm down. Maybe have a drink of water," Mitch suggests.

Scott laughs loudly. "You're so funny Mitchy, and so cute-" He hugs Mitch tightly. "Dance with me!"

Mitch rolls his eyes. Scott's always so much clingier when he's drunk. "No, come on Scotty..."

"Mitchy, dance with me!" Scott jumps up and down and grabs Mitch's hand before leading Mitch onto the dancefloor where a few of their friends were already dancing. "I love this song!"

"Ow. Scott, you're shouting in my ear!" Mitch yells at him.

"Sorry!" Scott yells even louder before he starts dancing with Nicole.

Okay, so... maybe dancing and drinking even more with Scott wasn't such a good idea from the start. But, Mitch only wanted to have fun with his best friend. They're always constantly working with Pentatonix and Superfruit, and they haven't gotten a day off like this in such a long time.

Mitch knew he would regret drinking with Scott later the moment they drunkenly stumbled out of the club, and Scott pulled Mitch behind the building, where they started a heated makeout session.

"Oh, fuck. Scotty," Mitch moans loudly and wraps his arms around Scott, pulling him closer.

"Need you," Scott mumbles before pulling away from the kiss. He looks at Mitch with hungry eyes before he leaves a trail of kisses down Mitch's neck. He kisses Mitch's neck for a few seconds before he harshly bites down on Mitch's neck with his teeth. Scott bites and sucks on Mitch's neck. He can feel Mitch going limp in his arms and he quickly pulls away before he kills Mitch.

Even though he's drunk, he knows when to stop himself from completely killing someone.

Scott breathes heavily as he stares at Mitch, and then his eyes widen. "Mitch?" He asks.

Mitch slowly starts falling to the ground, but luckily Scott catches him before he takes the fall.

Scott starts panicking. He just turned Mitch into a vampire after he promised not to do so. Mitch never really wanted to be turned into a vampire even though he said he wouldn't be upset with Scott if he did.

Scott picks Mitch up in his arms and starts carrying him to their car. He needs to get Mitch home.

The next morning, Mitch woke with a pounding headache. He groans as he sits up in bed. He looks around and lets out a scream when he sees Scott sitting on his bed, staring at him.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Mitch asks, taking a deep breath.

"You have to promise not to be mad at me," Scott says nervously.

"What are you talking about?" Mitch asks, confused. "Why would I...?" His eyes widen when Scott pulls out a mirror and shows Mitch the bite mark on his neck. "What the fuck? I cannot believe you!"

"I didn't mean to!" Scott exclaims. "We were drunk, and making out..." He whimpers. "I'm sorry!"

Mitch snatches the mirror from Scott and examines the bite mark on his neck. "That's pretty hot,"

Scott blinks a few times with confusion. "Pardon?" He asks.

Mitch looks up at Scott and chuckles. "I don't care that you turned me. I know I said a long time ago that I wouldn't want to be a vampire but after watching you all these years... I've kind always wanted to be one."

"But, being a vampire isn't fun. You either have to kill innocent people or animals to live," he says.

"But you get to live forever, and now we can live together forever," Mitch smiles, grinning.

Scott blushes. "I'm still really sorry. I don't know what came over me," he mumbles.

"Oh stop apologizing. I'm a vampire. This is so cool!" Mitch squeals excitedly, making Scott laugh.

"I'll have to teach you everything there is to know about being a vampire. It's going to be stressful, but it's going to be fun," Scott says with a smile on his face.

He was so worried that Mitch would be mad at him for turning him, but looks like he was worried for nothing.

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