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Summary: Most people assume that Scott is the dominant one when it comes to him and Mitch, based on his body type and leader type personality

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Summary: Most people assume that Scott is the dominant one when it comes to him and Mitch, based on his body type and leader type personality. But that couldn't be more untrue. Scott is the submissive one and he just wants people to know that.

A/N: I hope this is what you had in mind, sorry this is a short one! x

A/N #2: 45k reads!! Thank you guys so much!!


Scott frowns as he's lounging on the couch, scrolling through twitter. Sometimes he just likes to scroll through twitter silently just to see what his fans are saying. Seeing his fans on twitter chatting with each other and be nice to each other makes him smile.

However, one particular conversation caught his eye.

The fans always went crazy about scomiche. They loved shipping him and Mitch together. They just liked to assume things. Though Scott didn't blame them because even though they were out as a couple they never talked about it. Scott doesn't mind being shipped with Mitch at all, mostly because he's already in a relationship with him so it doesn't bother them.

But this conversation started because of a poll on twitter, asking who they thought topped and bottom. The majority thought that Scott is the dominant one because he's taller and bigger than Mitch. But that isn't true at all. Scott's actually the submissive one in the relationship. That's how it always has been and he wouldn't want it any other way.

"What's got you all frowny over there?" Mitch asks as he reaches over and gently pokes Scott, breaking the silence between the two of them, and making Scott jump.

Scott blinks a few times as he looks over at Mitch before showing him his phone. "Why are they saying that about me?" He asks, scooting closer to Mitch and cuddling next to him.

"I don't know," Mitch says as he reads through the tweets before looking up at Scott. "It's not necessarily a bad thing, you know? That just means-"

"But they're judging me based on my looks," Scott frowns. "I like being a submissive."

"Sweetheart, you can't pay attention to what they say, especially when they're saying untrue things. They're just going off of what they know," Mitch tells him, handing him his phone back.

"It's not like I was trying to find those comments. It was just on my timeline," Scott huffs.

Mitch wraps his arm around Scott and gently kisses Scott's forehead. "I know, but just mute them if you don't want to see stuff like that. I know it makes you upset," he says.

"Whatever," Scott shrugs. "We gotta film for Superfruit. Tuesday is in two days,"

"You're right. I don't have any ideas. Wanna do a Q&A?" Mitch asks.

"Sure, I'll tweet on Superfruit," Scott says as he logs onto the Superfruit twitter account.

@SUP3RFRUIT: It's time for another Q&A babes! Send us your questions with #AskSuperfruit!

"Can I pick some questions?" Mitch asks, looking at Scott.

"Sure," Scott nods and hands his phone over to Mitch.

"Thanks angel," Mitch smiles and starts going through the hashtag for questions.

Scott blushes deeply at the nickname. He loves when Mitch calls him things like angel, and princess, and baby girl. He doesn't know why but it's mostly because they make him feel special.


"We tweeted this-"

Mitch giggles when Scott makes a silly noise. "And now we're gonna answer your fucking questions,"

"And they better be good ones," Scott jokes. "First question comes from Sarah."

"Are you going on tour this year?" Mitch asks.

"Probably," Scott replies with a nod. "Dunno when, but most likely. Next one! Okay, talk about the kiss from La La Land Medley." He giggles as he looks over at Mitch.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Mitch says.

"No recollection of that," Scott says quietly. "Do you prefer instagram stories or snapchat?"

"I know you love instagram stories," Mitch looks over at Scott.

"True. I'm starting to use instagram stories a lot. I really like the boomerang feature,"

"I still like snapchat though. Don't really use the instagram story that much," Mitch shrugs. "Okay then. Another question, who's the top and who's the bottom of the relationship?"

Scott immediately looks over at Scott. "Who picked that question? Did you?" He asks, somewhat angrily. He didn't mean to get upset but this question seemed to be popping up a lot and he doesn't like it.

"Yeah," Mitch says. "So, what's the answer?"

"They're gonna think you're the bottom and I'm the top," Scott sighs. "That's not- ugh. Can I please talk about this? It's bugging the shit out of me and I need to get it off my chest."

"Go for it," Mitch says as he leans back a little, watching Scott carefully.

"I know what people think because I'm big and muscular-" Scott says as he looks at the camera. "But I'm not a top nor am I dominant, quite the opposite actually. I like being a submissive and there's nothing wrong with that so everybody can stop assuming things about me." He sighs.

Mitch frowns and reaches over to gently rub Scott's back.

"We don't have to put this in, do we?" Scott asks, leaning into Mitch's touch.

"I think we should," Mitch says softly as he sits up again. "People should know how you feel, especially if something makes you upset, and I know this makes you upset."

"I don't know. It's just so silly to get upset over something like this," Scott pouts and rests his head on Mitch's shoulder.

"Now that is a silly thing to say," Mitch chuckles and gently kisses Scott's forehead. "You okay?"

"Mhm," Scott nods. "I just needed to get that off my chest."

"Good," Mitch smiles and kisses Scott once before picking up his phone. "More questions?"

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