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Scott's eyes slowly open when he feels something shaking him. He's not exactly sure what time it is, but he's too tired to care and honestly... he just wants to go back to sleep.

"Go away," Scott whines as he covers his eyes with his arms.

"Rude. That's no way to talk to your pregnant boyfriend," Mitch huffs and crosses his arms against his chest.

Scott lifts his arm up so that he can look over at the boy sitting next to him, smiling innocently. "I'm sorry, Princess. Did you want something?" He asks, letting out a yawn.

"I want..." Mitch thinks for a moment. "I would like some pickles please."

"Pickles?" Scott asks, raising his eyebrows. "And what time is it?"

"The time doesn't matter when you're pregnant!" Mitch argues. "I want my damn pickles."

"Alright, alright," Scott groans as he pushes himself up. He looks over at the clock on his bedside table and sighs when he sees that it's past 2 o'clock in the morning. Though, he isn't too surprised because this isn't the first time this has happened. Ever since they found out Mitch is pregnant three months ago, he would wake up randomly in the middle of the night and have weird cravings. Even though every time, Scott would be tired as hell... he would get up and get what Mitch wanted because he wants Mitch to be happy.

"Are you gonna get my pickles, or not?" Mitch asks, watching Scott.

"Give me a minute to wake up," Scott whines as he rubs his eyes tiredly.

Mitch reaches over and gently kisses Scott's cheek. "I love you,"

Scott chuckles. "I love you too, babe. Even when you do wake me up at 2 in the morning, asking for pickles," he says as he stands up from the bed.

Mitch giggles as he watches Scott walk out of the bedroom.

Scott rubs his eyes tiredly as he walks into the kitchen. He nearly jumps out of his skin when he hears Wyatt meowing at him, which immediately wakes him up. "Jesus Christ, Wyatt!" He yells. He shakes his head before grabbing a plate out of the cabinet and pulling out a jar of pickles. There's only two left and Scott is very thankful or else he would have had to go to the groceries at 2 in the morning, and that's something he wouldn't want to do.

After making the plate, he takes it back to the bedroom, where he finds Mitch asleep, sitting up with his hands on his stomach, and Scott finds this adorable. Scott chuckles and sets the plate on Mitch's bedside table. He doesn't want to wake Mitch up, but he knows Mitch will be upset when he does wake up that he doesn't get his pickles.

"Princess?" Scott asks as he gently shakes the boy.

Mitch's eyes slowly flutter open. He looks up and smiles tiredly when he sees Scott. "Hi Scotty,"

"Hi baby boy. I got you your pickles," Scott says softly. "Do you want to sleep? I'll save them."

Mitch rubs his eyes tiredly. "Mhm. I wouldn't want to waste them," he says.

"Good, 'cos we don't have anymore. I'll have to go shopping tomorrow," Scott says.

"Oh," Mitch says before grabbing the plate. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, anything for my Princess," Scott says before gently kissing his forehead and then moving down to kiss Mitch's little bump. He walks over to the other side of the bed and gets back under the blanket, smiling when he looks over at Mitch. He reaches over and grabs his phone from his nightstand.

@scotthoying: when @mitchgrassi wakes you up at 2 in the morning asking for pickles

@mitchgrassi: @scotthoying u love me

"Scotty?" Mitch asks, looking over at his sleeping boyfriend.

Scott grunts though he still opens his eyes to look up at Mitch.

"Will you still love me even when I'm fat and ugly?" Mitch asks.

"What do you mean? You're never going to be fat and ugly," Scott says, turning and rolling over to Mitch's side.

"But... my bump isn't going to stay this little forever," Mitch argues.

"Yes, I know," Scott chuckles. "You're pregnant. Our baby is growing in there-" He gently pokes Mitch's stomach, making him giggle. "I'm going to love it even more when it gets bigger."

"You're the best," Mitch grins. He feels grateful that he has a boyfriend that will put up with his weird cravings at 2 o'clock in the morning.

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