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Summary: AU // Scott finds out that he's an Omega on his sixteenth birthday and his dad won't accept him for who he is, so he runs away from home, and luckily he has his best friends that will accept him no matter what ranking he is.


Scott whimpers as he sits on the couch and listens to his parents scream at each other.

It's Scott's sixteenth birthday and he just found out that he was an Omega. His parents were expecting him to be an Alpha based on his body type. He's quite a muscular and strong boy so they were expecting him to be an Alpha but that isn't what they got. His mom is fine with it but his dad however, is not.

"This has to be some mistake!" Rick screams. "Our son will not be an Omega!"

"And what's so bad about being an Omega, hm?" Connie asks, crossing her arms against her chest.

"You know I love you dear, but our son was meant to be an Alpha," Rick sighs.

"Is it really that surprising to you, Rick? He may be big and strong but his personality is sweet. He's always been a kind and caring boy. He's our son. We're just going to have to get used to it,"

"Absolutely not," Rick scoffs and shakes his head, before looking over at Scott.

Scott now has his ears covered by his hands and had curled himself up in a ball. He hates yelling and he doesn't like when his parents fight either. They hardly ever fought like this.

"You-" Rick grabs Scott's wrists tightly and pulls him so that he's sitting up.

Scott gasps and looks up at Rick with fear in his eyes.

"Richard," Connie warns. "Don't you dare hurt my son. Lay a hand on him and we're getting a divorce!"

Rick glares at Scott. "You're an Omega now, things are going to be different. Omegas have rules and deserve to be punished when they break those rules. Do you understand me?"

"Y-Y-Yes d-dad," Scott mumbles, as he begins shaking with fear.

"No, you will not call me that anymore. You will all me Sir from now on," Rick growls.

"This is ridiculous. He is your son, Rick," Connie snaps.

"And I told you that no son of mine will be an Omega," Rick snaps back.

Scott whimpers more, hanging his head in shame. He failed his dad. That's the one thing he didn't want.

"Go to your room," Rick orders as he finally lets go of Scott. "Do not come out until you're allowed."

Scott immediately scrambles off the couch and rushes up the stairs.

Rick looks over at Connie and blinks a few times when he sees her arms crossed against her chest.

"Don't talk to me until you've got your priorities straight," Connie snaps before walking away.


Scott spent the whole day in his room. His dad didn't even let him come out for dinner. He ate alone, and it's the last meal Scott will ever have in this house that he grew up in because he's running away.

Scott's not going to be able to live here with his dad so against him being an Omega.

Scott doesn't want to leave, but he has no other choice.

Scott cries as he packs his bag, putting clothes and everything else he would need in it. He looks around his room one last time before quietly walking out. He sneaks downstairs and grabs a few snacks because he doesn't know how long he'll be out on the streets for, which is a scary thought to Scott.

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