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Summary: AU // Mitch is the biggest popstar in the world right now. Everybody knows his name. Unfortunately, being famous has it's cons. Mitch has to deal with the paparazzi who follows him around 24/7.


Mitch loves being able to do what he loves to do. He loves making music and making his fans happy, and hearing that his music has saved lives means the world to him. It makes all the stress worth it.

However, there is one downside of being famous, and that's the paparazzi. No matter where he goes, there's paparazzi following him everywhere. It's always the same guy too. Mitch recognizes the blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Normally he doesn't mind paparazzi, but they follow him everywhere.

Mitch has been famous for over five years, so you think he would be used to it. But, he's not. It angers him and frustrates him that he can't ever walk around like a normal human being without cameras constantly flashing in his face all the time, and people shouting at him.

So, Mitch has decided that he's finally had enough of the paparazzi.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Kirstie, Mitch's manager asks, as they sit in a coffee shop. They've been keeping a close eye on they blonde haired paparazzi boy who's been following them around all day.

"Yes," Mitch replies, looking over at Kirstie. "He's been following us around all day, taking pictures and videos of us. There's no way this is legal."

"I'm not saying that what he's doing is right... but, it's not like he's hurting us or anything," Kirstie shrugs.

"Kirstie," Mitch scoffs and then sits up. "I've been putting up with the paparazzi since I've become famous. I don't mind them usually because most of them are nice, but... there's a line, and he's crossed it."

"So, you think confronting him is going to stop him from following you around?"

"It's better than sitting back and doing nothing about it," Mitch sighs and then he stands up from the chair he's been sitting in. "Keep an eye on me, in case anything happens. I won't be long."

"Okay, but... be careful," Kirstie warns, sighing softly.

"I will," Mitch mumbles before turning around and walking out of the coffee shop. He looks from left to right before walking across the street to where the blonde haired boy was hiding in the bushes.

As Mitch nears closer, he hears the sound of a camera clicking.

"You can come out, I can see you," Mitch says, crossing his arms against his chest. "And hear you."

The paparazzi hesitates before slowly standing and walking out of the bushes, blushing.

"May I ask why you've been following me around all day?" Mitch asks.

"I'm just doing my job, sir," he mumbles nervously.

"Surely there's a better job out there for you. You've been following me around for months," Mitch snaps. "And I'm sick of it. You need to leave me and my friends alone, or I'll call the police."

The blonde looks up at Mitch with wide eyes, and quickly shakes his head. "S-Sir, please... I don't mean to upset you. It's just... nobody wants to hire a homeless man. I-I've tried everywhere. Nobody will hire me. Selling high quality photos of famous people is the only way I can make my money."

Mitch frowns, his heart breaking after hearing the man is homeless. "You're... homeless?"

"Yes," he confirms, taking a deep breath. "I'm homeless. I live in an alleyway on a dirty mattress."

"That's horrible," Mitch scoffs and he shakes his head. "I'm such an idiot. Here I am attacking you and I don't even know your story. I'm yelling at a kid who's homeless. I feel so horrible."

"Exactly, you didn't know," he bites his lip slightly. "My name is Scott."

"How old are you, Scott?" Mitch asks, stepping closer to him. "If you don't mind my asking."

"I'm eighteen," Scott tells him. "Been on the streets since I was fifteen."

"Fifteen?" Mitch shouts, his eyes widening with shock. He quickly looks around and is relieved when he sees that nobody is paying attention to them. "What the hell? That's messed up."

"No, what's messed up is your parents kicking you out of the house after coming out to them," Scott scoffs. "I'd rather be homeless than live with my homophobic parents."

"Fuck this. I can't believe how horrible some people are in the world," Mitch looks at Scott and bites his lip, and then he reaches over and grabs the camera out of Scott's hand. "You won't be needing this anymore."

Scott gasps and tries to grab it back. "My camera! Please, that's expensive!"

"I've been looking for an assistant for awhile," Mitch begins. "And I think you could be the perfect fit."

Scott's eyes widen. "Mitch Grassi's assistant? Y-You don't know anything about me. You'll just... hire me?" He takes a deep breath. He's heard all about Mitch Grassi, and loves his music. He doesn't get to hear it often due to the fact that he's homeless. All Scott knows is that Mitch Grassi is the biggest popstar in the world right now so any time he gets a chance to follow him around, he takes it.

"You seem harmless," Mitch shrugs. "You're not a criminal or anything. Are you?"

"Even if I was a criminal, do you think I would tell you the truth about me being a criminal?" Scott laughs, and then his eyes widen again as he looks up at Mitch. "Oh, God. That was a joke. I'm so sorry. Please believe me. I'm not a criminal! I need this job. I can't keep living on the streets. Winter is coming..."

"Hey, no worries, kid. Come on. There's someone I want you to meet," Mitch says.

Scott hesitates before following Mitch across the street, and into the coffee shop.

Kirstie stands up as soon as she sees Mitch walk into the coffee shop with the paparazzi. "Mitch?"

"Kirstie, this is Scott. He's the paparazzi I was complaining about earlier. You'll be seeing him a lot more now though. He's going to be my assistant. I know what you're thinking but, I'll explain everything later,"


"Wow. That feels nice," Scott whispers as he walks out of the bathroom, after taking an hour long shower. It's been quite awhile since he's had a real shower. He felt like he needed to take fifteen more showers before he could get the smell off of him. He can't wait to sleep in a real bed again.

"Enjoy your shower?" Mitch asks, walking into the room.

Scott jumps and looks over, blushing when he sees Mitch. "Y-Yeah. Thank you," he whispers.

"Dinner will be ready soon. My chef is preparing a big meal. I imagine it's been awhile since you've eaten?"

"About a week," Scott replies with a shrug. "I've lost count of the days."

Mitch frowns. "Well, things are changing. Let me take care of you," he whispers.

"Sir, I thought I was supposed to be your assistant?" Scott asks, frowning slightly, looking up at Mitch.

"You will be, but... you need to be taken care of first," Mitch smiles.

"Thank you," Scott reaches over and hugs Mitch. "Most people wouldn't have helped me."

Mitch chuckles as he pulls away from the hug. "Well, let me tell you sweetheart, I'm not like most people,"

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