black and white

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Summary: AU // Mitch has been waiting to find his soulmate since he was a little kid. Fast forward years later and he realizes the famous singer Scott Hoying is his soulmate. With the help of their friends they are finally able to meet.

A/N: I'm like highkey really proud of this as it's my first scomiche soulmate au umm is that lame??? Lol tell me what you guys think!


Mitch remembered learning about soulmates at a young age. He remembered asking his mom about what why he couldn't see colors like most people could. She told him he hadn't met his soulmate yet.


"But momma, how am I supposed to find my soulmate?" Mitch asks.

"You have to look. Fate will help you. You'll find your soulmate or they'll find you," Nel says softly.

"I'm just a kid," Mitch whines with a pout.

"Well it's a good thing you have your whole life to find your soulmate,"


And now, he's twenty five years old without his soulmates. Still seeing black and white.

Fortunately for him he knows who his soulmate is.

Scott Hoying:

Male. (thankfully)

Twenty six years old.



Every teenage girl loves him.

Blonde hair.

Very attractive.

However, being famous means he's super busy and constantly travelling. Mitch has tried to meet him before but failed miserably. He wants to buy tickets to his concert but those are so expensive. Mitch doesn't get paid enough even with working two jobs a week.

It's depressing really. Mitch stays up night after night watching endless videos of this man. He needs to meet him or else he'll always see black and white. Mitch is sick of seeing black and white and he's tired of being alone. He's tried dating in the past but he feels guilty knowing his soulmate is out there.

Maybe one day he'll be lucky enough to meet this famous Scott Hoying.

Until then, Mitch will just continue watching his soulmate through a computer screen, hoping and waiting.


"Mitch!" Kirstie yells as she runs into the coffee shop, shoving throw the line of people.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Mitch asks as Kirstie runs up to the counter.

"Hey! You can't cut in line!" The man behind her, yells angrily.

"Sorry, she's with me," Mitch says as he pulls Kirstie aside before going back to making a coffee.

"I've been trying to get off work all day to tell you!" Kirstie yells.

"Okay, phones exists you know. Why didn't you just text me or something?" Mitch asks, raising his eyebrows as he looks back at his best friend. He's never seen her so excited before.

"Because I wanted to see your reaction in person!" Kirstie grins.

"Will you just tell me? I have work to do," Mitch groans. "I need to get paid, and people are waiting."

"You'll never guess who front row seats to Scott Hoying's concert in LA this Friday!"

"What?" Mitch yells, dropping the coffee that he had been holding, not caring that he made a mess.

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