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Summary: Scott and Mitch are reunited after Scott's been in the army for four years, and now Scott's worried his injuries from the army will cause Mitch to leave him.

A/N: apparently this fic is #517 in fanfiction? holy moly


Mitch couldn't believe it's been four years since he's last seen his best friend. His boyfriend.

He still remember the conversation they had four years ago.

"I'm going to be going away for a long time..." Scott begins.

"W-What do you mean?" Mitch asks nervously as he stares at his boyfriend.

"I've been drafted into the army," Scott tells him.

"What?" Mitch yells as he stands up from the couch. "The army?" He starts breathing hard.

"Mitchy, please," Scott reaches up and grabs him, pulling him beside him again.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" MItch hisses.

"No!" Scott yells, making Mitch jump slightly at his raised voice. "My sister was in the army and I feel like I should do my part too. I want to be able to help in anyway I can. I want to be able to protect this country."

"No. Absolutely not. You're not going," Mitch says as tears begin to pour out of his eyes.

"It's too late, Mitch. I'm leaving in two days," Scott frowns.

Mitch sobs. "You can't leave!" He cries as he hits Scott's chest. "Y-You can't leave!"

Scott instantly wraps his arms around Mitch and holds him closely, closing his eyes. "It'll be okay,"

"You can't s-say that. Y-You can die out there," Mitch sniffs. "I-I can't lose you..."

"I won't die. I promise," Scott whispers as he continues to hold Mitch. "I know it doesn't really make things better but it'll only be for four years and we'll still be able to contact each other through letters."

"Four years?" Mitch asks as he looks up at Scott with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry," Scott takes a deep breath. "I really want to do this."

"What about P-Pentatonix?" Mitch asks. "We can't do anything without you."

"I already talked to the others. They agreed to continue. I want you all to keep making music. Keep Pentatonix alive while I'm gone. Keep putting out great content that our fans will love, and I want you to sell out shows. I don't know how the fans are going to react but hopefully they'll understand," Scott's eyes begin to water up. "We've worked too damn hard to let Pentatonix fall apart."

"I can't do this," Mitch sobs as more tears pour out of his eyes.

"Yes you can, and you will. You must," Scott says. "I have faith in you."


Saying goodbye to Scott was definitely the hardest thing Mitch ever had to do. He cried a lot that night. Mitch can barely survive a day without Scott so four years without him seemed almost impossible. They were practically attached to the hip since they were ten years old, and spent every single second together.

But somehow Mitch did it, he went four years without Scott, and soon Scott will finally be home. Mitch isn't exactly sure of when Scott will be home but he doesn't care. He'll be ready whenever he comes home.

Mitch hasn't heard from Scott in about two months and he's worried sick. What if he isn't alive?

What if something horrible happened to him? Surely someone would have told Mitch if that were true.

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