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A/N: I wasn't gonna write this part buuuut since you guys asked :)


"How are you feeling?" Scott asks the next day, after he'd picked Mitch up from bar.

Mitch sighs sadly. "Like shit," he answers honestly. "I should have listened to you."

"What do you mean?" Scott asks as he sits next to Mitch on the couch, wrapping an arm around him. He hasn't seeing his best friend so upset like this. He doesn't care about the fight they had yesterday. Scott witnessed Mitch crying himself to sleep last night. He never wants to see that again.

"Connor," Mitch whispers as he looks up at Scott with watery eyes.

"Oh no," Scott frowns as he pulls Mitch into a hug. "I'm so sorry, Mitchy. I should have never said anything about Connor in the first place. It was your relationship and I'm just protective of you. You're my princess and you deserve the whole damn world. I would give it to you if I could."

Mitch sniffs as he rests his head on Scott's chest. "You tried to warn me and... and I ignored you. I chose a shitty boyfriend over my childhood best friend. You must hate me."

"I could never hate you," Scott chuckles and shakes his head.

"But I was so horrible to you yesterday?" Mitch says, frowning.

"You're my best friend. I'll always be there for you," Scott says, hugging him tightly.

Mitch chuckles sadly. "I don't deserve a best friend like you,"

"Babe, quite being so hard on yourself. You're going through a hard time right now," Scott whispers.

"I just wish I could find a boy that won't break my heart after two months. Is it me?" Mitch asks.

"No, it's not you. You're an angel. Anyone would be lucky enough to have you," Scott says.

Mitch goes quiet for a moment before looking up at Scott. "Yesterday..."

"Yeah?" Scott asks, looking down at Mitch. "What about it?"

"You said... you loved me-"

Scott instantly tenses, he had been hoping that Mitch wouldn't bring that up.

"What did you mean by that?" Mitch asks curiously.

"N-Nothing..." Scott shakes his head. "Don't worry about it."

"Scott..." Mitch sits up, scooting closer to Scott. "Look at me..."

Scott looks at Mitch again, and his eyes widen when his lips meet with Mitch's. He starts kissing back but then he quickly pushes Mitch away. "Stop. I-I don't want to be a rebound..."

"You could never be a rebound," Mitch whispers before kissing Scott again.


A couple weeks pass by since Mitch has kissed Scott. They were closer than ever. They practically spent every waking second with each other but they didn't mind. This is how it should have been.

Scott had been so nervous about telling Mitch how he really felt about him.

And, maybe things were moving fast but he doesn't care because he's finally got the man of his dreams.

"You don't need all that makeup, Michelle. You look beautiful always," Scott says as he stands in the doorway, watching as his boyfriend puts on makeup as they were about to go out tonight.

"That's sweet, but momma needs to look good tonight," Mitch says.

"But the only one you need to impress is me... and I already think you're beautiful," Scott bites his lip.

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