the love you deserve

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Summary: AU // Mitch cheats on his husband with Scott. He doesn't mean to. It just happens. But, Mitch wants out of this abusive relationship. He's just scared. Will Scott help him find the courage to leave his abusive husband?

Trigger Warnings: obviously this contains abuse!

This is for horsedancer123! :D


Mitch hadn't meant to cheat on his husband when he went out that night. He just wanted to go out and have fun. Of course, he craved attention and love from somebody without it turning abusive.

Mitch loves Cody, even when he does abuse him and hurt him most of the time. Cody took him in and helped him get back on his feet. He helped him when nobody else would. He practically saved Mitch's life. Mitch will always be grateful for that. There's no doubt about it.

Then, he saw a boy with the prettiest eyes he'd ever seen, and beautiful blonde hair. Mitch couldn't help but think that the man is much more attractive than his husband. Those muscles.

"Will I see you again, after this?" The boy, who Mitch has learned is named Scott, asks.

Mitch takes deep breaths as he stares at the ceiling. He just had sex with another man, while married. Surely this is going to lead to a punishment. He still has bruises from his last punishment.

"I have-" Mitch closes his eyes. He couldn't lie. "I have a husband."


"You have a husband?" Scott asks, pushing himself up. "Why are you here?"

"Because I wanted to forget that I have a husband," Mitch whispers as a few tears slips out of his eye. "You-You don't know what I've been through. I didn't mean to cheat on him. I already feel guilty enough about this so please don't try to make me feel even more guilty."

Scott looks down at Mitch and frowns. He reaches over to wipe away Mitch's tears, but stops and quickly pulls away when Mitch flinches at the touch. "I'm sorry if this is crossing theline Mitch, but, does your husband hurt you, Mitch? Does he physically hurt you?"

"Cody loves me," Mitch snaps before he sits up and then swings his legs over the bed. He glances back over at Scott and takes a deep breath. "It was nice meeting you, but... I have to go home."

"Wait a minute-" Scott quickly bends down and pulls on his pants before walking over to Mitch. "You can't."

Mitch blinks a few times as he looks up at Scott. "Can't what?"

"You can't go home. I-I don't want you to get hurt again," Scott says.

"You barely even know me," Mitch scoffs. "You're acting like you suddenly care about me when in reality, after tonight, we probably won't even see each other again. That's how it always is. This is just a one time thing."

"It doesn't have to be," Scott tries again. "Please, I just wanna help you."

"That's what Cody said before my life turned to shit," Mitch snaps before pushing past Scott.

"Not everyone is a monster," Scott says as he watches Mitch put on his shirt.

"It's hard to believe that when you've been living with one for two years," Mitch snaps.

"Two years?" Scott asks, his eyes widening with shock. "Holy shit. Why haven't you gone to the fucking police or something, Mitch? That fucker deserve to be in jail!"

"Stop! Just stop!" Mitch yells as he looks over at Scott angrily. "You don't know shit about my life!" He shoves Scott harshly.

Scott frowns and rubs his shoulder where Mitch shoved him.

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