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Summary: AU // Scott is a shy boy who got bullied a lot in high school. His parents send him off to college in LA where he meets Mitch Grassi. They discover that they're roommates and quickly become best friends, and it doesn't take long before Scott develops a crush. Literally.

A/N: Someone requested this awhile but I couldn't find your comment so hopefully you see this and like it. Sorry it's not much but I don't know how college works lol.


Scott is nervous about starting college. He hated his high school experience so why on Earth would he want to go through another couple years of school? School gave him anxiety. School is the reason why he got bullied to the point where he doesn't want to hang out with other people because he's scared that they'll judge him or make fun of him like everybody else.

Maybe Scott will get lucky and he'll actually find some friends here at college. The thought is laughable. Scott's too shy and nobody wants to hang around a shy kid. That's what Scott learned from high school at least.

Scott sighs as he stands in front of the college. He just walks onto the college campus. He never thought he would be here in LA but here he is. His parents wanted him to go to a good college so they did everything they could to help Scott and even though he appreciates their help, he doesn't want this.

Scott grabs his suitcase and finally walks into the building. He pulls his schedule out as soon as he gets to the lobby. He needs to find his room as soon as possible but he doesn't know where anything is.


Scott jumps as soon as he hears the small voice. He looks over and sees an equally small boy with brunette hair and big brown eyes. He's extremely adorable, the most adorable boy Scott's ever seen.

"H-H-Hi," Scott mumbles nervously, glancing up at the boy.

"You look lost. Did you need any help?" The boy asks, walking up to Scott. "My name's Mitch, by the way."

Scott blushes. "I-I'm Sc-Scott," he says quietly. "I-I need h-help."

The boy, Mitch, smiles at Scott. "Aren't you cute? Do you always stutter like that? Oh dear. That was rude of me to say. I don't think before I speak. My mouth gets me in trouble a lot." He giggles. "Anyways... I'm getting off topic. What do you need help with? Maybe I could help you?"

"I-I don't know where anything is," Scott says, looking around.

"Well, you're in luck... before I know where everything is!" Mitch says.

"Do you, um, know where room 218 is?" Scott asks.

Mitch grins and nods. "Follow me, kind Sir," he says before leading the way out of the lobby.

Scott raises his eyebrows, but quickly grabs his suitcase and follows Mitch. He's never met someone that's been this nice to him before. Maybe he really will have a friend in college.

"Here we are," Mitch says once he stops at a door. "Welcome... to our room."

"Our room?" Scott asks, tilting his head slightly.

"Mhm," Mitch responds with a nod. "Looks like we're going to be roomies!" He pulls out his room key and pushes the door open, leading Scott into the room. "I was wondering when I would get a roommate."

Scott looks around at the room. It's not big but it's big enough. There's two beds on both sides of the room as well as two desks for school work. Mitch has already decorated his side of the room. His walls are practically covered in posters and pictures of friends and family. Scott likes it.

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