chances (pt. 2)

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Months pass and Mitch is falling more in love with Scott, the more time he spends with him. He never thought he would be the type of Omega to fall in love with an Alpha but yet here he is.

Mitch fell in love with an Alpha and he doesn't regret it.

Scott is perfect. No, he's absolutely beyond perfect. He's very kind and caring. He always makes sure Mitch is okay and happy which Mitch appreciates. Scott doesn't treat Mitch like a personal slave at all which is pretty much the only thing that Mitch cares about. It's like they were in a normal relationship which is all that Mitch has ever wanted.

"Okay," Scott begins as he walks into Mitch's bedroom. "I talked to your dad on the phone."

"Oh, God..." Mitch sits up and then looks up at Scott. "Please tell me it's good news."

"Well," Scott bites his lip nervously. "You have to go home."

"What? Why?" Mitch asks. "Why do I have to go home?"

"You were supposed to go home like two months ago and your dad doesn't like that you've stayed longer than he planned. He's pleased to know that you've changed but..."

"No, why did my say that I coudn't stay here?" Mitch asks.

Scott sighs. "The only way you can stay here is if we were officially official,"

"What does that mean?" Mitch asks, tilting his head slightly.

"It means that I have to mark you," Scott says. "Otherwise your dad doesn't trust you staying here."

"But we're together?" Mitch asks. "We've been together for five months and nothing's happened."

"I know, but I understand where he's coming from," Scott says. "He just wants you safe."

"I'm seventeen years old!" Mitch yells angrily as tears start forming in his eyes.

"I know," Scott immediately sits down beside Mitch and wraps his arms around him. "I know it's frustrating but he's your dad and we have to listen to him. Getting on his bad side is not something I want to do if I want to have a future with you... which is something that I really do want."

"You can't mark me. We've only been together for five months. That's too soon," Mitch frowns.

"You're right, and I do wanna wait..."

"But I don't want to go back home. I wanna stay with you," Mitch sighs sadly.

"Okay, how about this. Um... You turn eighteen in what, like... two months? You'll be officially an adult. Two months is a long time to decide if you really want to be with me. So, if you still want to be with me when you turn eighteen then I'll mark you and you can hopefully come live with me," Scott says.

Mitch raises his eyebrows as he looks up at Scott. "You thought of all that just now?"

Scott grins. "Kind of. But, it makes sense? Your dad can't tell you what to do when you're an adult,"

"I suppose that's true. So, what do we do within' those two months?" Mitch asks.

"You live like an hour away from me but I promise I'll try to visit you as much as I can," Scott says.

"This is going to be the worst two months of my life," Mitch groans as he rests his head on Scott's shoulder. "I go my whole life boycotting how Omegas don't need Alphas then I fall in love with one and now my dad is trying to keep me away from you. I just don't understand that man."

"Baby, he's not trying to keep me away from you. He just wants to protect you," Scott says.

"Well, I don't need his protection anymore! That's why I have you. You're my Alpha now," Mitch argues. "Give me your phone." He looks up at Scott and takes a deep breath.

"What?" Scott asks, blinking a few times. "Why?"

"Scott, give me your phone," Mitch snaps as he holds out his hand.

"Mitch, you can't-"

"Punish me later for talking like that. I just need your phone,"

Scott hesitates before handing his phone over to Mitch. "What are you doing?"

Mitch ignores him and calls his dad, waiting impatiently for him to pick up.

"Now what do you want?" Mike asks when he answers his phone.

"Wow. Hello to you too father," Mitch rolls his eyes.

Scott's eyes widen and he quickly tries to grab his phone back but Mitch pushes him away and stands up.

"Oh, Mitchell. Haven't spoken to you in awhile," Mike says.

"Yes, and that's because I've been with my Alpha," Mitch snaps.

"Mitch, I already told Scott-"

"Dad, you've been trying to change my mind about Alphas all my life and now I've finally found one that loves me and cares for me. Why are you trying to keep me away from him?" Mitch asks.

"It's not necessarily him that we're keeping you from. We know once he marks you and makes it official, you'll move away to be with him and we won't be able to protect you from the bad guys anymore..."

"Dad, that's what Scott's for..."

"And what if he doesn't do a good enough job?" Mike asks.

"You just have to trust him like I do," Mitch says softly, making Scott smile. "So, can I please stay?"

Mike sighs in defeat. "You have to call at least once a week..."

Mitch squeals excitedly. "Thank you dad! Thank you so much!"

"You tell Scott if anything happens to you then I will personally find him and kick his ass," Mike warns.

"Are you giving me permission to swear in front of an Alpha?"

There was a pause. "Yes," Mike answers before chuckling. "Goodbye son."

"Bye pops, tell momma I said I miss her and love her!" Mitch says before hanging up the phone.

Scott raises his eyebrows as he watches Mitch. "So?"

Mitch turns and looks down at Scott before clearing his throat. "Dad said if anything happens to me then he will personally find you and kick your ass. He gave me permission to say that."

Scott laughs loudly. "Noted," he says. "So, you can stay?"

Mitch smiles and falls onto Scott's lap, hugging him. "Yup! I have to call home at least once a week..."

"We'll have to remember that," Scott smiles and kisses Mitch's cheek. "I'm happy you can stay though."

"I'm sorry for how I spoke to you earlier and I accept any punishment you give me," Mitch says.

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm not giving you a punishment," Scott scoffs.

"But I disrespected you?" Mitch asks, frowning.

"I don't care. I promised that I would never punish you for as long as we're together," Scott says. He pulls Mitch closer to him and kisses him. "I love you and I could never hurt you."

"And that's why I think you're the best Alpha," Mitch smiles and kisses Scott again.

"I love you, and I promise to protect you," Scott says.

"I know you will," Mitch says, before letting out a happy sigh.

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