better late than never

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Scott knew from the moment he met Mitch Grassi that he was going to be with him.

They were going to be best friends and eventually become boyfriends and later get married.

They were going to grow up together and go on adventures.

Scott had it all planned out.

Mitch didn't quite believe him but he always listened to Scott and his crazy ideas.

One of the many things Mitch loves about Scott is his ambition. He always wants to go out and do all these crazy things and he doesn't understand how Scott always has this energy but he loves it.

But then Pentatonix took off after they won The Sing-Off and they were winning awards and Grammys. Scott and his crazy dreams were coming true one by one.

Mitch is just happy that he gets to experience all these crazy things with his best friend, and boyfriend.

Scott always wanted to live his dreams with Mitch. He looked forward to growing old with him.

And now, even at age sixty six, Scott's still absolutely in love with him. He still spends every second of his life with Mitch. They've both grown old and have grey hair but they were still the same.

Scott still looks at Mitch like he's the brightest star in the universe, still treats him like a queen even when he can hardly walk around on his own but that doesn't stop him.

The only regret Scott has in life is not having the courage to propose to Mitch and marrying him.

Even after all this time they were still boyfriends, just boyfriends.

Mitch tells Scott all the time that he doesn't mind because they're still together but Scott knows better.

"I wanna marry him," Scott tells Kirstie as they eat lunch together one day.

"Mitchell?" Kirstie asks as she looks up at Scott.

"Who else would I be talking about?" Scott chuckles. "Of course, Mitch."

"How are you going to do that? You're in a retirement home now," Kirstie reminds him.

"I know that but... it's not too late to propose to him, is it? All I need is a ring," Scott says.

"And what about the wedding?" Kirstie asks. "You can't just go out and get married somewhere."

"I don't need a fancy wedding. I just need to get married to the love of my life,"

"You deserve it, and I'm willing to help in any way that I can..." Kirstie smiles.

It takes a few days but Scott convinces one of the nurses at the nursing home to take him out to get a ring so that he can propose to Mitch finally. Scott's excited but he's also nervous.

What if it's too late?

What if he waited too long and Mitch doesn't want to marry him.

Scott's too old to be stressing over something like this but it needs to be done.

"It's a beautiful ring," Kelly, Scott's carer for the day, says as she wheels him back into the nursing home.

"Do you think he'll like it?" Scott asks as he looks up at Kelly.

"I'm sure he will. That man loves anything that's related to jewelry," Kelly chuckles.

"Being old doesn't stop her from being a fashion queen," Scott smiles.

"So, you're going to propose to him?" Kelly asks.

"Yeah. Can you help me?" Scott asks hopefully. "There isn't much I can do being old and all but... I would still like to try to make it romantic. Just a nice dinner or something. He'd like that."

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