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Summary: AU // Cheerleader!Mitch falls and breaks his wrist during a game. This time, BasketballPlayer!Scott is Mitch's cheerleader while he heals.


Mitch looks over and smiles when he sees his boyfriend on the basketball court.

Martin High School is currently winning by two points and Scott is the star of the show so far, and Mitch couldn't be prouder of him. He wishes he could see him play more, but he's a cheerleader, and he has to focus on keeping the crowd hyped for the game. Though Scott does a good job of that on his own.

"Ready?" Kirstie asks as she walks up to Mitch. "We're lifting you now."

"Yeah, don't drop me," Mitch says before two other cheerleaders help him up into the air.

This is Mitch's least favorite part of the routine, where three cheerleaders get lifted into the air. For some reason, he volunteered to be one of the cheerleaders. He's super light so it makes sense.

"Don't fall," Kirstie jokes as he looks up at Mitch before looking back to the crowd.

Mitch smiles as he puts his arms up. He starts doing the cheer but glances over at Scott again, and he starts to lose his balance. "Kit!" He squeaks. "I'm losing my balance!"

Kirstie glances up at Mitch and her eyes go wide when she sees Mitch start to tumble to the ground.

Mitch lets out a scream before falling onto the hard gym floor.

"Mitchie!" Kirstie shouts before rushing over to him. "I'm sorry! I couldn't hear you!"

Scott runs over to Mitch the instant he sees him on the floor. "Baby, are you okay?"

"Hurts," Mitch tries to move but whimpers when all he feels is pain in his left wrist.

That can't be good, Mitch instantly thinks.

Scott's eyes widen when he realizes Mitch is hurt, and looks up. "Call an ambulance! He's hurt!"

"Scott, you have to get back to the basketball game," Kirstie says. "I'll take care of him.

"No," Scott snaps. "Someone else can replace me. I'm staying here with him. I'm not going anywhere."

"Scott," Mitch whispers as he looks up at him with teary eyes. "Don't-"

"Shush. Just relax. Don't worry about anything. You always cheer me on during my games, so now I'm going to cheer you on," Scott whispers, gently brush Mitch's hair out of his face.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't know he was going to fall," Kirstie says. "It's all my fault."

"Like you said, you didn't know he was going to fall. You can't blame yourself," Scott says softly.

Mitch grabs a hold of his wrist and takes a deep breath, praying the pain will go away.


When Mitch wakes up, all he sees is white, and he's instantly confused.

Last thing he remembered was cheering on his boyfriend at the basketball game?

Is he... in a hospital? Oh God. He can't be.


Mitch jumps at the sudden voice shouting his name.

"Oh God. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you-"

Mitch blinks a few times before looking over, and sighing in relief when he sees Scott standing there.

"Where am I?" Mitch asks, groaning. "What happened?"

"We were at the basketball game and you fell. You lost balance or something," Scott explains. "You're at the hospital now. Your parents should be here soon. They had to get off work."

"Why am I at the hospital?" Mitch asks nervously.

Scott hesitates before answering the question. "Um, y-you... you broke your wrist," he says quietly.

"Please tell me this is some sick joke," Mitch begs.

Scott shakes his head. "I would never play such a cruel joke on you Mitchy,"

"B-But what about cheerleading?" Mitch asks. "Can I still cheer?"

"I'm afraid... not for a couple of weeks. You need to heal," Scott says, leaning down to kiss his forehead.

"Fuck healing! I need to cheer! The squad needs me!" Mitch yells.

"You gave him the bad news?"

Mitch looks over and sees a nurse walking into his room.

"I need to cheer!" Mitch yells. "I'm not gonna let a stupid broken wrist stop me from cheering!"

"It's just for a couple of weeks, Mr. Grassi-"

"Ew, don't call me that. Just call me Mitch," Mitch grumbles.

"Oh, just Mitch," the nurse says. "I need to do a check-up and make sure everything's okay."

"Will he be able to leave tonight?" Scott asks hopefully.

"Maybe. Like I said, I have to do a check-up first,"

Mitch stays in the hospital for two days before he's finally released.

Of course, Scott doesn't leave his side and still doesn't leave his side when he gets home.

"Scott, I'm fine," Mitch warns as he walks up to the porch. "It's just a broken wrist."

"I just don't want you to get hurt again," Scott whines.

"Well, I won't," Mitch says. "Can we please go inside and relax? I'm tired."

"Yes, of course. We can make popcorn and watch Spongebob until we fall asleep," Scott says. He opens the door for Mitch and lets him inside first. They walk to the living room, and Mitch's heart melts when he sees the coffee table is full of get well cards, letters, and a couple of presents from friends at school.

"What's all this?" Mitch asks as he walks over to the table.

Scott smiles. "We wanted to make you feel better, everybody at school... I mean. I know how bummed you were about not being able to cheer for a couple of weeks," he says.

Mitch shrugs. "I can't cheer, but that won't stop me from going to practice," he says.

Scott chuckles and gently kisses Mitch's forehead. "You deserve it. People love you and care about you. Why don't you put on Spongebob and I'll go make the popcorn?" He says.

"Can you make ice-cream instead?" Mitch asks, looking up at Scott.

"Anything for my queen," Scott grins before walking to the kitchen.

Scott comes back almost 20 minutes later with two bowls of ice-cream in his hands. He sees Mitch sitting on the couch, going through the cards that people sent him. "Got distracted?"

Mitch jumps and looks up at Scott, blushing. "People are so nice, you know?"

"I know," Scott smiles as he sits down next to Mitch.

"I got a Starbucks giftcard. You know we have to go soon," Mitch says.

Scott laughs. "I'll go first thing in the morning," he says. He grabs the remote and turns on Spongebob.

"I guess there is an upside to breaking my wrist," Mitch says as he takes his ice-cream and leans against Scott.

"Yeah, what's that?" Scott asks, looking down at the smaller boy.

"I know I'm always busy with cheerleading, and you with basketball... so with me breaking my wrist, it gives us a couple of weeks to spend a little more time together," Mitch smiles as he looks up at Scott.

"And that makes me so happy," Scott whispers before leaning down and gently kissing Mitch.

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