you saved me

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Summary: Mitch Grassi and Scott Hoying don't get along with each other. Scott is the star of the football team while Mitch is the shy choir boy who doesn't really have any friends. He's jealous that his father praises Scott more than him. Scott gets all the attention. But things take a turn when Scott finds out about Mitch's abusive boyfriend.

Trigger Warnings: abuse

A/N: changed my username!!! how was this not taken wtf?

My previous username was oakleysfthoying.


"The Hoying's are coming over for dinner tonight, so you better cancel any plans you have,"

"Dad, why do I have to be there?" Mitch groans. "I wanted to see Charlie tonight."

"You can see Charlie another time. Today you'll be spending time with family,"

"The Hoying's are not family," Mitch grumbles as he crosses his arms against his chest.

"What do you have against the Hoying's? They are lovely people," Mike says.

"Yeah, except his son. He treats me like trash and you don't ever do anything about it. You act like Scott is your son when he's not. You're so proud of Scott because he's the star football player and he's got all these trophies. Everybody loves him. You never comment anything about what I do despite me being your actual child. Choir may not be the most exciting thing but it's what I love. I love singing," Mitch says.

Mike sighs as he stares at Mitch. "We don't have time to talk about this,"

"Forget it! You never listen to what I have to say!"


"Ugh!" Mitch turns around and storms up the stairs. He rushes to his bedroom and slams the door shut.

Mitch falls onto his bed and pulls out his cell phone, texting his boyfriend Charlie.

Charlie is going to be pissed off that he's cancelling his plans, and Mitch will have to pay for it later.

To Charlie<3:

From Mitch:

Mike is making me cancel plans tonight. Family dinner. Sorry :/

From Charlie<3:

To Mitch:

What the fuck? Tell him no

To Charlie<3:

From Mitch:

I can't tell him no. He's my dad. I'll get grounded

From Charlie<3:

To Mitch:

Bitch, you're going to pay for this later

Mitch sighs as he reads the text and places his phone on the bed.

Great, this is just what he needed. His bruises from his last "punishment" were just going away.

Mitch stays in his room for about two hours before his mom calls him down.

Mitch makes his way down the stairs. Nobody acknowledges him. Maybe he can sneak away to Charlie's since nobody seems to care about him here. He starts to walk to the door but stops when he hears someone clear their throat. He looks over and sighs when he sees Scott standing there.

"Leaving so soon?" Scott asks, crossing his arms against his chest.

Mitch glares at him. "Why do you care?" He asks.

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