sugar daddy

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Summary: AU // Mitch needs money, Kirstie knows how he can get some. Mitch meets Scott.

A/N: I thought about making this into a book but idk so I made it into a long one-shot (3600 words long) I will happily write more though if people like this idea! :)


"How the hell do I still have no money even when I work three jobs a week?" Mitch asks angrily as he throws his wallet down onto coffee table. "Guess I'm not having dinner tonight."

"Don't be silly," Kirstie says as she pulls out a twenty dollar bill and hands it to him.

"Where did this come from?" Mitch asks as he hesitantly takes the money from her.

"Do you really want to know?" Kirstie asks. "Don't you ever wonder how I have money with no job?"

"Well, yeah... tell me your secret so I can do what you're doing," Mitch says, turning to face her.

Kirstie giggles. "You're going to think I'm crazy but... I don't care what anyone says. I love the lifestyle I live and nobody will change that," she says confidently.

"Okay, now you're starting to scare me a little," Mitch frowns.

"I have a sugar daddy," Kirstie says. "That's how I have all the money I have."

"What?" Mitch asks, his eyes going wide. "You... a sugar daddy?"

"Yeah," Kirstie confirms. "Don't tell me you've never heard of them before?"

"I have but... I just never thought someone like you would be interested in that," Mitch says.

"Well, I am. Want me to tell you about?" Kirstie asks.

"Yes," Mitch nods. "So, do you like... date someone really old for money?"

"No!" Kirstie laughs loudly. "Well... kind of. He's not really old. He's thirty years old."

"He's eight years old than you!" Mitch yells. "What the fuck, Kit?"

"Yeah, but he looks really young. He may be older but he's sweet and loves me," Kirstie shrugs.

"And how long has this been going on for?" Mitch asks.

"Two years," Kirstie answers. "But I knew him before we started dating."

"You've been in a sugar daddy relationship and you've never told me about this before? We've known each other since we were little kids. How could you not tell me something like this?" Mitch asks.

"Because I was worried that you would react the way everybody else reacts. Not everybody is accepting of this kind of stuff, you know? It's why I've never had you over to my new place or why I've never introduced you to my boyfriend. I didn't know how you were going to react about it," Kirstie admits.

"Kirst, you know I would never hate you for something like that," Mitch says softly. "I support you no matter what lifestyle you live. We're best friends. Best friends support each other no matter what."

Kirstie's eyes begin to water up, and then she flings her arms around Mitch and hugs him.

Mitch laughs and hugs her back. "I love you,"

"I love you too," Kirstie says as she pulls away from him.

"So, tell me about your, um... sugar daddy?" Mitch asks.

Kirstie laughs. "Well, his name is Avi. You might have heard of him. He's a big international pop star and makes his money by making music. Seriously, he has one of the best, and lowest, voices I've ever heard but it's so magical. He sells music and sells out shows. But he doesn't do it for the money. He does it because he loves singing and that's what I love most about him. And he's helping me because I needed the money and we just so happened to fall in love throughout this whole thing."

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