cuddles on tour

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Summary: Pentatonix are on tour for their new album, and things are going great. However, things take a bad turn when Scott finds his boyfriend passed out in the bathroom.


Being on tour was amazing and Mitch loved his job, because he was doing what he loved.

But being on tour was exhausting and so stressful, and often gave Mitch anxiety.

Tour meant that Mitch constantly had to be healthy, and making sure not to get sick was one of the hardest tasks. Pentatonix were an acapella group, which made their jobs tougher as they were constantly using their voices whenever they performed so it was easier for them to get sick.

And with Mitch's luck, he had actually gotten sick two months into the tour and they still had quite a few more shows to get through. Usually he was upbeat and super energetic whenever they were on tour but now, he was tired and didn't have the energy to sing every night which was disappointing because there was nothing Mitch loved than being on tour with his friends and seeing the fans.

"Has anyone seen Mitch?" Scott asked as he walked into the dressing room, where Kirstie, Kevin and Avi were hanging out at before the show, which was starting in an hour. They were currently touring the UK and were in London at the moment, though they only had three more shows in the UK left.

"I thought he was with you?" Kirstie asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah, aren't you two like... always together?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, I was with him earlier and then he said he was going to use the bathroom and just... disappeared? I've been trying to text him and call him the past 20 minutes," Scott sighed. He didn't want to worry, but he was worrying because Mitch could be anywhere, or he could be in trouble and Scott couldn't get a hold of him. He'd hate himself if anything had happened to Mitch.

"Maybe you should check the bathrooms and see if he's still there?" Avi suggested.

"I know Mitch likes to look at himself in the mirror, but 20 minutes is ridiculous..." Scott chuckled before walking back out of the dressing room and headed towards the bathroom. "Mitchy?" He called softly as he knocked on the door a few times. He frowned when he didn't get an answer. He waited a few moments before he slowly opened the door. "Mitch?" He repeated as he poked his head in. He looked around and didn't see Mitch anywhere, until he looked down towards the floor and his eyes went wide with shock when he saw that Mitch was currently passed out on the floor, which was the last thing he expected to see. "Mitch!"

Scott panicked as he ran over to his boyfriend and shook him a few times, but he didn't get an answer. "Fuck, shit... Mitch, baby... wake up," Scott said as he shook him a few more times. "Oh my God..." All these negative thoughts immediately started flowing through his head. Scott quickly pulled out his phone and decided to call Kirstie to let her know what was happening.

"Yo, what's up?" Kirstie asked when she answered her phone.

"Call a fucking ambulance right now," Scott said as she answered the phone, his hands were shaking as he held onto the phone.

"An ambulance? Whoa, what is going on, are you okay?" Kirstie asked, confused.

"I'm fine but Mitch isn't. He's... passed out in the bathroom and I have no idea what happened,"

"Okay, calm down. I'll call an ambulance. Stay with Mitch, okay?" Kirstie said calmly.

"Thank you," Scott sniffed as he hung up on Kirstie and sat his phone on the ground. He moved so that he was sitting behind Mitch's head, and then he carefully lifted his head up and rested him on his lap so he that wouldn't be on the floor anymore. Scott quickly looked around and didn't see any sign of blood anywhere which was good news but he was still extremely worried about his boyfriend. He looked back down at Mitch and his eyes widened when he saw Mitch was slowly starting to wake up, and that made him feel relieved.

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